Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sample Belonging Essay

It's not perfect by any stretch, but it's a start for those who are stuck...


Belonging is the fundamental element in our lives. American psychologist William Glasser once wrote that “we are driven by three genetic needs: survival, love and belonging”. His poignant observation asserts that belonging acts as the foundation of our beliefs, values and characteristics. In human history, poets, writers and directors portray the idea of belonging and show contrasts between being included and being excluded. Emily Dickinson writes about belonging in “This is my letter to the world” and “I gave myself to him”. Additionally, Kevin Rudd's delivery of the "Sorry Speech" in 2007 aimed at giving the Aboriginal people a sense of belonging to the country they have inhabited for thousands of years. Finally, Niki Caro, the director of "Whale Rider", demonstrates the idea of belonging in a film about a young Maori girl who struggles to find her place in her clan and family.  

Emily Dickinson’s poetry is a reflection of the feelings of alienation and isolation in her mind; one haunted with sorrow and sadness. In the line “This is my letter to the world” followed by “That never wrote to me”, we hear the loneliness and isolation she feels, caused by society at the time that frowned on women such as Dickinson. This use of personification not only effectively portrays the cold and lonely idealism in her mind, but also the sense of not belonging to the society in which she lives. The line "her message is committed to hands I cannot see," gives nature female characteristics with the entire connotation of nurturing and caring. The synecdoche "hands" refers to the possible readers of her "letter", as she hope that her "countryman...judge tenderly of me".

Furthermore, her poem, "I gave myself to Him", mentions her thoughts towards marriage. Dickinson suggests that marriage does not involve any love and care; it is only a contract between two parties. The quote, "The solemn contract..., this way", provokes the image of coldness and hopeless future to the marriage after signing the "contract" by two sides. This caused the lost of identity of women after marriage; loveless and perfunctory. The use of coldly emotive word “solemn", emphasises the monetary side of the "contract" of the marriage. And the word "ratified" is formal and aloof in the purpose of helping emphasise the relationship as a business one. From most of her poems, she mentions only the idea of isolation. In the last stanza, the line "Some found it mutual gain" gives a positive ending for the poem which concedes that many pairs did gain and find profit in the contract of love and marriage. Followed by the line "Sweet debt of life", she presents this bankruptcy as an oxymoron; this is typical of Dickinson’s views of nature and the world. However, the contract still illustrates a loss of life and identities, not a gain. Through the use of various poetic techniques, Emily Dickinson portrays the ideas and feelings of not belonging and the loss of identity that is caused by the isolation from the world. From most of her poems, she mentions only the idea of isolation.

Unlike Dickinson's poetry, the "Sorry Speech" attempted to break down the boundaries between white Australians and the Aboriginal people. The speech acts as a bridge to show the Aboriginals that they are included and belong to Australia. Kevin Rudd says "Where all Australians are equal partner, with equal...of this great country" in order to include those had lost their own culture and identities. By admitting the wrongs that were done decades before and using masterfully inclusive language, the Australian Prime Minister told Parliament that “for the breaking up of families and communities…for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture…we say sorry…we say sorry”. Many Aboriginal children felt like they had lost their sense of belonging and identity. Rudd uses repetition, simple language and inclusive language to unite the victims of the ‘Stolen Generations’ and assist them by giving them a public apology; a base and foundation upon which to build their road to recovery.

Similarly, in "Whale Rider", Paikea is a girl who wants to feel like she belongs to her family and become clan leader. As a result of her grandfather's unhelpful actions, Paikea feels that she is isolated by Koro and not belong to the clan anymore. By saying “she doesn’t mean anything to me" when Paikea's father comes back from Europe, Koro once again breaks Paikea's heart. The director, Niki Caro, uses dark lighting, low camera angle and a big close up to Koro's face in order to enlarge the angry and portray his powerful image. As an audience, we know Paikea loves the clan and her grandfather and in the scene where Koro found the Whale teeth that Paikea retrieved, Caro uses cold and dark settings to illustrate the sadness and frustration he feels at his rejection of her. In this journey of fighting for belongings, the use of different film techniques, lighting and camera angles, demonstrates that we all have our own identities and we should not isolate ourselves even though we are alienated by the society.

Whether it is Emily Dickinson, Kevin Rudd or Niki Caro, they all portray the ideas of belongings to the audiences and readers with the use of different techniques. Dickinson shows us her disappointment and frustration towards the isolation of her hometown in a dark and negative tone. The story of the New Zealand Maoris and Paikea shows us the battle of finding her own sense of belonging and identity with the use of film techniques by Caro. Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, uses inclusive language and repetition to apologise for the historical wrongdoings to the Australian Aboriginals with a warm and positive tone.


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