Monday, October 21, 2013

Love in Balcony Scene - How does Luhrmann present love?

20/20 Response

In Luhrmann’s modern adaptation, the theme of love is cleverly presented in the balcony scene where the two lovers present to the audience their true feelings. Both characters have been dressed in contextually clever costumes that exacerbate their emotions and their specific roles in the embryonic relationship. Romeo is dressed as a knight, symbolising his chivalrous role as he sweeps in to save Juliet from the loveless marriage to Paris. Juliet is dressed as an angel, symbolising her youth and purity. As the pair meet in the pool, they fall in and Luhrmann has cleverly used the motif of the water to cleanse them not only of their past relationships but also to reiterate the notion of purity in their new love. This notion is furthered as neither character wears make-up, underscoring their age and how they are laying bare their emotions for the other to see. As the camera zooms in on their faces, we see complete joy in both their eyes and the close-up continues this and the audience not only sees their love plainly, but also enjoys their fun and frivolity; a careless love that is new, tempestuous and exciting.

Place your attempt at answering this question in the comments tab below.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Speeches - Can you answer this question in 500 words for each speech?

The art of a truly memorable speech is not only in the speaker's beliefs [which means the themes of the speech - e.g. equality, unity, reconciliation, national pride, etc], it is also in the way it is delivered [which means the rhetorical techniques that the speaker focus more on the rhetorical techniques - e.g. rhetorical questions, statistics, enumeration, thesis statements, cumulative language, anaphora, etc].


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Theme of War - A Little Piece of Ground

How does Laird highlight the theme of War in the first three chapters of the novel?

300 words - quotes and techniques

Due tomorrow


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Essay Question - A Bottle in the Gaza Sea

8B legends...

Your task (800-900 words, to be completed by Monday 21st October) is below:

How does Zenatti present the themes relating to International Perspectives in her novel, 'A Bottle In The Gaza Sea'?

In you response, you should focus on the themes of a) Death b) War c) International Barriers (in the mind).

The better essays will have a plethora of language techniques AND will explain what Zenatti's purpose is for choosing these techniques.


Macbeth and Ambition Essay Question


Cometh the hour, cometh the man...I sincerely hope you are all indeed those men for which I seek.

Below is an essay question that will allow you to truly explore the notions of Macbeth - specifically in relation to the Key Questions that we are bound by for this unit.

800-900 words - Due Wednesday 23rd October via EMAIL.

How does William Shakespeare present the notions of ambition and morality through his play, Macbeth? In your answer, focus mostly on the dramatic techniques (those seen mostly in a play).

