Sunday, November 10, 2013

8B Creative Writing Tasks

For your exam:

We need to ensure that you've got two main things in your mind. Two different 'weapons' that you will able to use irrespective of the 'stimulus'.

I want you to do two things:

1 - Describe a man or woman, similar to my story from class today, who is walking down a street.
Are they old? Are they young? Body shape? Eyes? What is the street like? DO NOT TELL ME WHY THEY ARE WALKING. Focus on the descriptive language.

2 - The sun rises over a landscape. What is the weather like? What is the landscape? Sea? Country? Urban? Bright sun? Foggy? Polluted? Clear?

300 words on each

Post below (separately).



  1. Landscape

    It was a dull, foggy morning with the sounds of the farm animals welcoming us with the lives out at the country. It was the usual old day, when at around 7am the crimson sun arising from its bed, giving us the light of another day. The birds went on chirping with its lovely songs, the trees with its rich colours gave a sense of hope and the smell of the air gave us a new, cheerful day to look forward to. We could hear the cling of the bells down the ruddy old street which was the sign of the milkman coming to drop of the milk for the day. The usual $10 had to be given. As the sun arose at around 8:30 the chickens awoke, with their cackle of noises dooming our day. But all was settled with the fresh breeze of the air swishing passed our faces like a row of horses brushing passed you as if you hadn’t seen them.
    It was that time of the day where the flock of sheep would be let out to the fields, where they started to grind and churn down the lushes bundles of rich green grass, where the fields would be left as if they were grazed down from a lawnmower. It was early in the afternoon, and the gleaming red sun was returning to back to bed after day’s hard work out in the wild. The horizon was set and it was time to enjoy the day by drinking a cup of tea and lying down on the lawn. The dark night sky fell along with the millions of unique starts spread across the country, ready for a good night’s sleep with another day of work to deal with ahead.

  2. He thinks to himself, “Just keep walking, don’t look back” His breath, curling in the morning chill up to form a spiral to the sky. His young beard, and the clothes barely grasping to his back, the only protection he has from the vicious morning chill, biting at him, every move. You could see him from a mile off, his bright, orange working clothes, completely translucent, against the morning fog. The slender figure of a man, half of what he once was. The only sound familiar to him in this strange new place was his feet, once over the other, hitting the ground with a deafening repetition. He looked upwards, away from his steel capped boots, and into the lingering sunlight, his view was blocked by the towering oak trees, which enclosed the small, private road. The leaves on the tree, barely clinging on, as the feel of winter dawns upon it.
    He realizes that not only all that he possessed in his pocket, but also his helmet had been removed. His beard was also thinly shaved, not how he remembered it. The chirping of birds now replaced the ringing that had been filling his ears. Yet he couldn’t quite figure out what kind of bird, as the shrill cry it let out slowly faded to nothing. A freshly applied coat of paint filled his nostrils, and he turned to notice a bright red bench, it seemed familiar, so did this sad looking stone house. It’s dark look boring into the back of his head, he had been walking for at least 30 minutes, yet he hadn’t really let all of the scenery sink in, aside from this place. No, he HAD been here before! And there they were again
    He thinks to himself, “Just keep walking, don’t look back”

  3. Man walking down the street

    He was walking down the lonely, quite street as just come back from a hard day’s work. He was flabbergasted yet at the same time drained, soulless as if he had been rundown by a bulldozer. The street had been lit with one dim light half way down along with the atrocious smell of the dumpsters filling up the pathways, having nowhere else to walk but the middle of the street. He was tired, irritated walking as if he had no muscles like a sloth, with his arms flying in all sorts of unpredictable directions. The pants he was wearing was dripping endlessly with exceeding amounts of sweat, hitting the ground as if it were a tonne of bricks. Screeching cats were filled everywhere ruining the man’s mood worse and worse by the minute. It was approaching the agonizing seconds where an explosion might blow up any minute with the booming sounds reaching all over the town.
    The night’s winter breeze sprayed along his face making him feel as though he had regained his mind, clearing up his soul, feeling as though he was a new person. The chill of the night was the only night keeping him away of reiterating the sense of life; the sweet feeling had been lost in the mid-summers day. “Oh why Oh why” he said to himself every painful minute of the journey back home, to the place where he had belonged. The home of peace and the warm love given by his lovely wife and children. He had regretted any harm he had done today, the stress was overcoming his life, taking over him as if he had no control.

  4. The bright sun shines over the remnants of what once was. It’s bright orange glow piercing the morning wind. The clouds clearing, and so are those in the foggy minds of the four people who just awoke, to one of the most spectacular sceneries they have witness in their lives. The cliffs, which had been battered in last night confusion, seemed to be recovering well. The grassy rolling hills that surrounded the cliffs were swaying in the wind. The waves slamming against the rock created a strange feeling, as the men came to, the salty spray from the sea, brought a sharp awaking and a very sharp reminder of the day, and night before. One of them stumbles over to the remainder of an unfinished bottle, while the other three stumbled over to take a view at the unforgiving scenery below. The white cliffs, radiating the sunlight which was now farther over the horizon, which seemed to stretch forever, before their eyes. All the drink had to be consumed, as consciousness wasn’t really a worry for these four carefree men. A mutual agreement was made to venture over the hills to see what extended beyond. A glint of sunlight could be seen reflected on the hills themselves, yet what they saw was a complete contrast to what was expected.
    The skyscrapers extended far into the sky, stretching, like a rocket towards the moon. Yet the city lying before them didn’t seem to have touched any of the surrounding scenery, and yet in fact, human life seemed to have dwindled, yet not entirely. After the awe of the city had been mulled over, it was decided the further looking was required, and this was not reassuring. Nobody seemed to notice, nobody seemed to talk, or eat, or drink, or breathe…

  5. 1. Nevada

    Small dust clouds stirred as the short sharp snaps of the man’s leather shoes walked on the side of the roughly carved out road. The sun beat down on the light brown ground, magically producing a shimmer of heat that rippled throughout the street. The well-dressed man produced a wet handkerchief from his pocket and vainly attempted to wipe the accumulating sweat off his forehead and lightly freckled angular face. The red and white striped handkerchief went back in his pocket and his hand dropped to the sides of his body, resuming his robot-like walk. He clearly was out of place in this little town, squinting his hazel-coloured eyes from the harsh glare as he tried to walk under the shadows of the wooden verandas. His black pants had been dusted around the rims, and on his black suede tuxedo which clung to his slightly rotund belly little patches of sweat had formed under his armpits. His tie which usually hung tightly around his neck now had been loosened and his top button undone, slightly airing his neck. The shiny and combed brown hair now appeared a lump, which dangled defeated and tired, somewhat reflecting his feelings.

    2. The morning garden

    It had rained last night again and glittering dewdrops that hung off my plants reflected the awakening sun which lit them like stars twinkling in their constellations at night. An amalgam of aroma’s wafted their way to my nose, waking up my morning, the smells of mint, rosemary, orchids and more befuddling my over-intoxicated brain. The pavement was wet and slick beneath my feet, the cement turned black on my balcony. Plants mainly covered my view but through a hole I had left when first planting, grudgingly, I was able to look out onto the horizon, dawn’s sun rising and sending rays of sunlight onto me, which filtered through my plants into my apartment. I rested my hands on the chilly steel bar the encircled my balcony and inhaled the morning air.

  6. The street filled with the morning rush of the city as a man walked briskly down the street, brushing past those around him. The dull grey of the walls around him reflected his facial features- bland and ordinary. However, there was a certain glint in this man’s eyes which showed that he had some grim determination that was coursing through his body. He had a slim figure, which allowed him to go flow through the crowds around him, as smooth as silk.
    He may have been a young man, perhaps 30, but the stress of his everyday life was beginning to find its way into him, shown through the etched age lines on his face. He was wearing a grey suit, with a matching bowler hat. It gave the impression that he was powerful, but ordinary.
    His pace began to quicken, but not so much that he would begin rudely jostling for a position in the crowd, as many others were doing. A sense of urgency empowered him now, a new feeling that drove him through the crowd without losing any elegancy or the air of a gentlemen that possessed him.
    People around him, faceless and uncaring continued to go about their lives, lives that may perhaps find greatness or may perhaps just find themselves as ordinary. The man however, had a heart of kindness, a heart that showed not only an exterior of kindness but an inside of pure compassion.
    But alas, in a world of cruelty and hatred such a soul could not exist as only the bad things happen to good people. A sickness had a hold of his mind, one that he could not dispose of. He began to falter, and dropped his briefcase, its contents spilling onto the hard, cold merciless concrete path around him.
    Pain entered his body with such ferociousness, such brutality that he clutched his chest in pure agony as those around him looked at him, but walked on unperturbed except for one person, a kind soul who came out of the anonymous and reached down. She helped him up and asked him questions, questions that he could not register for the pain was reaching its climax.
    The pain that had been so excruciating, so consuming had begun to leave his body. That pain was regret, a pain that is riddle with such grief and self-accusation. Tears flowed down his face, flowing freely. His hands reached his visage covered them, covered them from the world that had treated him so cruelly. The woman, who had collected his documents and packed them back into his briefcase, before patching his damaged emotions together and showing that in this dark, cruel world there are those who cared, those who can help.

  7. 1. Joyful screams of the children penetrate my aged ears like a knife through a piece of fruit. Smells of freshly baked bread begin to waft their way into my wrinkly, hair infested nose. The uphill roads are proving their worth. My legs begin to tremor at the very site of what lay above. Regardless I go on knowing that although; my exhausted body is crying for me to stop, I have enough juice left in my rusted legs to continue. Eyes, eyes of gold. That was what my mother used to say. Now, well now I can barely see the colour gold. The blue sky slowly turns black like a rotting banana, the cries of children turn to howls of wolves. It was now that I could really begin to feel the winters cold engulf my body like an ice pack to a healing wound. But it was only then I began to realise that what once was a street of joy, was rapidly turning into a street of misery and pain. I could no longer feel the pain in my legs, it as if they had been magically healed. I began to feel as if I was surrounded. Short buildings seemed like sky scrapers, the wind seemed to whistle a tune of sorrow and agony. Suddenly it was like this place of joy became my worst nightmare. The buildings seemed to grow taller, the whistling of the wind becoming louder. Gasping for breath, it was my life was being taken away from my hands, hands that were unable to save the miniscule amount of life that still lay within me...

  8. Calvin Lu- The Walking Person11 November 2013 at 01:51

    “Excuse me,” the feminine voice quickly said as she bumped past me as I stared at my black shoes and briefcase. Before I could reply she was already on her way down the pathway. I stared at the back of her creamy trench coat, as it became dabbed by the oncoming shower of rain. She moved briskly, somehow, in her black sling-back heels. Her brown ponytail bounced at every step she made, making her look like she was bouncing on clouds. Her hands clutched at a similar briefcase to mine, which she clenched above her head against the light drizzle of rain. After quickly checking to see if my briefcase was still there, I quickly looked back and gazed at her, perplexed by her slender body and well-toned legs. As if on cue, one of the latches to her briefcase became loose, and a few documents fell out. She quickly crouched low and started to collect bundles of sheets which were beginning to become darker with moisture. I stood there, wondering if I should make my way up to help her, or let her just take care of the work herself. Before I could do anything, she looked my way and her face looked young, but also showed bruises which have just been healed, but still visible. Her darkened right eye looked at me with innocence and sadness. She then stared into my eyes and quickly pursed her lips. A mark just managed to sneak out to the side of her mouth, which showed where a scab once took place. Before I could pick up my things and help her out, the loud roar of the bus came screeching to a halt in front of me, where my hand was already pulling out the bus ticket out of my pocket.

  9. Calvin Lu- A Sun Odyssey11 November 2013 at 01:55

    “Mission control, the time is currently 1300 hours according to Florida’s time zone.” I reported, as I floated in the non-existent gravity in the International Space Station. After reporting to mission control, I swam in the air towards the window, where the view of the Earth’s horizon was always breathtaking whenever I came up to the window. Today was my first day in the space station, and I have yet to be able to see the sun in space. Looking down below was the unmistakable outline of Australia, where cities on the eastern coast were just waking up.
    “Hey buddy! Look at the horizon!” exclaimed my partner Neil, who was clinging onto the window frame next to me. I glanced at the horizon and saw a glimmer of light shining over the surface of the horizon. I glanced downwards at Australia again, still seeming to be engulfed by darkness. Suddenly, a bright flash of light appeared and I snapped my head up to see what this magnificent natural feat has to offer. The flash of light stayed where it was, slowly lighting up the Pacific Ocean, while New Zealand were just starting to receive the first rays of sunshine. The light grew brighter, in contrast to the darkness both on Earth and in space which exaggerated the sheer brilliance of the wonders of the sun. Then, the first glimmer of the sun appeared over the horizon, and the rays appear to be protruding downwards. The blue atmosphere filtered the sun rays, making it manageable to be able to view it with the naked eye. After adjusting my position so that I would not have to crane my neck sideways, the sun quickly rose over the horizon, and after no longer than a few seconds, the whole Sun was visible, sharing its rays of light across all of New Zealand and just touching the coast of Australia.
    “You’ll get to experience sixteen sunrises and sunsets a day on board” Neil informed me, as I grinned in delight, waiting for the next sunrise to begin.

  10. The clouds rolled over the dark mountains in the distance, as the night sky kept crawling in. The thunder gave a gaudy roar. A droplet of water fell onto my nose, slithered down to the tip then dropped off into a puddle on the ground. The rain had arrived, I began to walk down the street, in a hurry, avoiding the rain, pulling my trench coat over my head avoiding the drops. I start to speed up, I gradually become faster and faster. I scurry down the street, my polished suede boots stepping into puddles, creating a splash crashing into my legs, the water would trickle into my socks, tickling my feet. No one was to be seen as I continued to stride down, careful not to lose my grip on the rough asphalt. But something had caught my attention from the corner of my eye, it was a black cat, its big dark green, ominous eyes peered straight into my eyes, as if it was reading my soul. Hesitantly I leave the cat behind me and continue to walk along the path. All of a sudden I halted, I felt a sold breeze slithere up my back and onto my neck, making every hair on my body stand on an end. I turn my head over my left shoulder, to see the cat sitting right behind me, its long silky tale, slowly waving in the direction of the breeze. My head snaps back into place, as I start to panic and jog down the street, further and further into the distance, with a constant pitter patter of feet behind me. I come to my final stop. I stand still and stare up. “I’m here, I’m finally here.” I thought to myself, breathing a sigh of relief.

    1. Slither***
      Cold not sold***

  11. Street

    I could feel it in my legs, the slight tremors as the beat waved through the microscopic hairs on my feet, the party in the distance was starting to bloom and I could smell the smoke covered scent rush into my nostrils and light up the fire within me. My body was alive as I walked through the streets as the numerous scents and sights lit up like a burning bush fire breathing through the night. I could feel the warm burst of the music draw me in closer to the beat as the rhythmic pace of the trumpets teased my ears as the taste of the taco went into my mouth. An explosion of chilli and chicken went through my glands as my face lit up to the Spanish festival going on around me

  12. The muffled shuffling of feet wasn’t heard by many on that foggy, grief- ridden morning. The concrete seemed to echo a deep meaningless reply to the awkward ambling of the portly man. His elderly age allowed him to maintain barely a shuffle whilst his rotund belly bounced at his every meagre step. The morning was the start of a frosty winter, trees were fighting the urge to shed their, once luscious and green, now brown and wrinkled leaves. They floated gently down to the pavement aided by the biting wintry breeze. His cashmere suit and tie was frayed and wrinkled, but even through the frigid dawn the man was breaking out in cold sweat at what he had just faced. The abomination of which he had just witnessed was like a shining beacon in his mind of which was unable to rid. Thus, he keeps on walking as if he were in a trance with no real objective in life. He had come out a different person, half the man he was before. The wind howled as if jesting him mocking his position. The leaves rustled in the old willow tree just across the road applauding the situation, the prison, which he had trapped himself inside. He had gone too far along the road and now there was no turning back. Slower than a geriatric snail he meandered down the trail absent- mindedly admiring the warmth that family provided and the security that came with it. Leaves stirred at the wake of the long winding draft forcing each to go their own separate way, as he once had. He felt a sharp pain, one tangible only at the core of his being, one burning desire to repent to say sorry. The past is the past, but his future looked bleak, nevertheless he continued to wander the road.

  13. As the bloody crimson sphere of heat and gas once again hauled itself above the horizon to supply the world with light not a single being was conscious. The precipitation from the previous night hung around in the form of dew drops that gathered at the tip of singular blade of grass. Across from where the grass lay in luscious pillows, the clear day had once again formed around the magnificent ocean which stretched for miles on end. Golden rays of sunshine emanated from the giver of light displayed on the still and quiet sand making the scenery have an ethereal disposition. Waves lapped upon the shore like a tender animal being caressed by their mother. Glorious sunbeam radiated onto the glassy, emerald water giving a glare off the reflective surface. The peace and tranquillity was finally disturbed by a single soul. He crossed over the dew- infested lawn disturbing the harmony that was there just a moment ago. He landed on the sand feeling it crumble beneath his feet and sift through the cracks of his toes. He breathed in the salty and refreshing sea air savouring this feeling of freedom. The sun beat down on his bronze skin warming him as he neared the waves. Wet sand cushioned his feet and he dug his feet into the damp sand allowing only his toes to feel the revitalizing feeling of the chilled water. With an almighty leap he dived in allowing his senses to be overwhelmed with a feeling of sheer bliss. The water consumed him as he lost himself in the feeling of purity. Opening his eyes, he felt the stinging of salt, and blurry view of sand and shells littered at the bottom of the ocean. As he resurfaced, he gulped down oxygen and was rewarded with the feeling of being awake and alive.

  14. Sun over a landscape
    The sun’s light flooded the plains of the grass fields, which were lightly swaying in the spring breeze. It covered the landscape, shining radiantly in the clear blue sky, undisturbed and untouched by the disastrous hands of humans. There were similar lands like these, equally beautiful in nature and just as pleasing to the eye. However, they were exploited and used by greedy minds, minds set on the money and payrolls that would be rewarded by harvesting the products that Mother Nature has provided, the one who has given us an Earth to live on, food to enjoy and water to drink.
    The greed of the humans stretched far and wide into the globe, taking her most prized possessions and resources straight from her grasp without remorse or second thought. The innocence of the land, and the unquenchable thirst of human requirement clashed, bringing together sparks of outrage from Nature that cause the Earth to begin to react violently through natural disasters.
    With such events, one would expect that us humans would stop… stop the devastation and exploitation of our world, stop these threatening actions and make up for it.
    This field still stands, in the centre of New York, now known as Central Park. The humans had damaged and reshaped the land around it, exploiting it once again and building great dirty skyscrapers and petrol-driven vehicles that pollute the air around it. The sunlight that the field was so beautifully covered in is now replaced by grey, irresolute clouds that would not be shaken from their posts above the city.
    When will there be an end to human greed? When will such atrocious actions be deemed a crime worthy of punishment and consequences? Will it be when there is no turning back, when the Earth is scarred and destroyed?

  15. *Drip*Drip* the man takes a step over the river of droplets, flowing down the side of a street-side tap. Bearded, he seemed oblivious of the twigs and dust gathering within it, he kept walking, almost endlessly and effortlessly toward an unknown destination.
    The stench of a rubbish dump, so close around the corner, simply made him twitch his nose when this smell dived deeply into his nostrils. The horizon bobbed up and down, with each step he took, he slowed down, as if getting tired and seeking for a break. A couple of policemen run past him, not even greeting him, but if they saw the expression on his face, they might have, just might have, acted a bit differently. This man wore a face the colour of salt, a shirt the colour of depression and trousers with an aura of torment, his eyes the colour of tears, his hands equivalent to sandpaper, and his feet blistered and crumbling beneath its straightjacket shoes.
    Police-Tape stretched across a section of the road, where two cars were ruptured at the sides, and destroyed in the front. A few policemen were talking amongst themselves, whispering about the passengers, and afraid to realise the truth. Each with their blue and white uniform, they bent down and opened the drivers’ doors…
    More policemen rushed past; still none noticed this man, full of dread at his feet. He came to a corner, and made a painful step to the right, and landed his feet on a concrete tile, splattered with red and covered in broken glass. He crouched down, crawled ever so slowly past the tape. He sat down, legs to his chest, and wept.

  16. A golden ray peeks through the rustling leaves of the afternoon forest on to the ground, ever so delicately bathing the trees in sheets of gold. The sun rises inch by inch from the horizon, spreading its spectacular yellow warmth through the mountainous forest, waking animals from their tree homes, and encouraging their sleeping feet to walk onto the shining ground from the burrows under the rustle of leaves.
    Sunlight crawls through the foliage of leaves, little more than before, but so slight as to not disturb those still resting below. The Sun creeps above the horizon, parts hidden by light clouds and others open to shed gold upon the landscape below. The brown stripes of the trees transform into an ever so slight dark orange, coloured by the sun light slapping down from above.
    Green blotches jump from branch to branch, and down the ground, as the frogs attempt to stay out of the burning sun’s shining rays. The canopy burns above all the life below it, keeping the leafy ground cool and moist, away from the heat rays out of the eyes of the yellow superman.
    Birds began to chirp, and the life of the forest started, as the sun reached half way to the top of the world, still beaming unto the hungry mouths below. The cracks in the canopy allowed the lizards to enjoy a burning bath, while the snakes slithered like Satan through the trees and consuming everything unaware of its presence. Cries of joy and livelihood came from atop the trees, where arms and tails swung effortlessly between the multiple branches, or their lazy, witless counterparts moved inch by inch ever so slowly towards a fruit, then consuming it slower than they could reach it.

  17. *NOTE* Sir, There was an Internet outage in my area last night, thus I could not complete the 800Word essay, I will try to complete it ASAP.

    P.S. The 300word things were done in the morning before I came to school.

  18. Liam Gollan - Man11 November 2013 at 22:32

    It had been a while since the tall man in the black jacket had walked down the cold, windy street. He had chiseled features with a stone set look on his face, and a clean shaved face, and windswept brown hair. His dark brown eyes could pierce through the soul, staring at something that only he could see. His walk was slow, but he was fully alert; he was ready for anything. The wind bit at his skin, and as the moon rose into the illuminated dark, night sky, the moonlight shone on his pale skin.
    It was a cold night; the man pulled his jacket tight, and rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them a bit. The cool night air filled his lungs, refreshing him, as he breathed in and out. He could hear the sounds of the night creatures, a howl, rustling bushes, and a faint sound of predators feeding on their prey. He could feel something watching him, getting closer, but every time he would turn around to see nothing. His breathing grew heavier; the street was starting to feel more dangerous by the minute.
    The fear crawled up his back, and sent its chills back down his spine, but the man kept on walking. His vision adjusted to the void black night; multiple times he thought he saw eyes peering out of the bushes, and felt a warm breath on his neck. His mind was screaming at him to run, but he had to keep on walking.
    Soon his arms started to tingle, and his legs started shaking. He was no longer cold, but the night air didn’t seem so refreshing anymore, every step and breath he took was painful. He just kept moving, pain would soon mean nothing, he thought, and continued down the street.

  19. Liam Gollan - Sun Rise11 November 2013 at 23:13

    The sun rose over the canopy of green leaves, the birds chirping as the forest awoke. Fresh air that smelled of various types of flowers, mixed with the smell of the river that cut straight through the forest’s center. Soon the forest was busy with life, birds flying in the skies, deer munching on the fields of clover, fishes jumping in and out of the water. The sun beamed down upon the forest heating the ground with its rays and giving life to those dwelling in the forest.
    The scene shifted, and the deeper part of the forest was shown. A medium sized rock, lay in the middle of a small clearing amongst the now dense trees. There were no sounds of life here; the only sound was the wind blowing against the leaves of the trees. There was a feeling of dread surrounding this area, but it’s hard to tell just by looking at the seemingly harmless scene.
    The images zoomed closer to the rock, a small indentation that you could easily miss, was near the top of the rock. The sunlight started to crawl up the rock face, as it reached the indentation it got stronger and seemingly brighter. The rays hit their mark and the wind ceased. The ground started shaking, as the rock rose from within the ground. The soil was ripped up and trees were uprooted. The rock was no longer medium sized; it had risen from beneath the earth to the size of a small hill. The rock was alive, it stretched out its earthen arms and from what appeared to be a mouth, and it let out a spine-chilling roar.
    I snapped back to reality and knew everything that I needed to know. I had to hurry, but the visions caused me a lingering headache. But I had to keep moving
    It would arise tomorrow, as the sun touched its forehead.

  20. Aidan Butterfield - Street12 November 2013 at 00:37

    He walks slowly and solemnly down the street, as the rush of wind comes whirling behind him, hitting every part of his back, smashing straight into his skin, like a head on collision. The rain pours down upon him, as if the heavens have opened out, and every single one of those drops of rain were on a mission out to get him, sent by God. He feels empty, as if his whole desire to anything just vanished, like the way the condensation vanishes into thin air off of the corner shop window. He continues to walk, not knowing where he is going, without a care in the world. The howls of the neighbourhood dogs continue to burn through his head. The screeches of tyre along road continue to haunt him. ‘Why me, WHY ME’ he screams out at the top of his raspy lungs. Nothing happened. The words went straight out of his mouth, and right back down the bottomless pit of his soul, where he lay, trapped. He continued walking, right down the street, still, without a care in the world. He considered ending it all there, relieving himself of all the crap that has happened to him. He turned towards the road, and momentarily stopped, as did the rain. The water, continued to fall down his slim, lanky body, down his shirt and pants, until it hit the bottom of his uncovered feet. However, no other drops joined the remaining water that drifted down his lifeless body. He peeks around, and sees no-one, completely deserted. He whispered to himself, in his dry voice ‘nobody would care. Not even myself.’ The sun came out, shining down upon him, as if he was an actor in his own Broadway play. The spotlight, forever shining,focusing down on him. A car was coming whirling past, with the remaining water, flying off his tyres and slamming into the cold hard ground. It was approaching quicker and quicker. And then he took two steps forward.

  21. Aidan Butterfield - Landscape12 November 2013 at 00:37

    The sun shined through the bright, gleaming clouds that were drifting across the shiny sky, moving from one place to another. The sun, lay still in the sky, continuing to shine down its everlasting beams of sunshine, as if he cared not one bit about the disaster that occurred beneath him. The urban city lay still and quiet. Not a car came flying past, with it engine moping, not a bike came frolicking down the pathway, with its bell ringing. Not a plane came charging through the bright, aluminous sky. There was nothing. The sirens and bells and honks had come to a close from the weeks before. The remnants of the earthquake and hurricane left no life behind it. The buildings lay sprawled across the torn up road in defeat. The pieces of car that weren’t picked up by the devastating event, lay scattered across the footpath – well, what was left of it. Nature showed no mercy, no care for its own creation. Its most prized creation, human beings, were shown no signs of forgiveness. What was done was done, and there was no turning back. No way of forgiveness. Many called it the apocalypse; others called it their way out. Human nature; the most cunning killer. It strikes however it wishes to, whether she wants to be sneaky, and linger up behind her prey, or whether she wants her full force to be known, days beforehand. It doesn’t matter which choice, as the horrifying, destructive outcome will be all the same. However, the sun, still stood their, motionless in the sky. He did not know, nor care about the events that occurred weeks beforehand. He just was there, looking down upon us, doing his job.

  22. 1) The man despondently shambled down the street, looking glumly at the ground and at his shiny leather shoes. He wore a premium business suit and had a laptop in its case slung over his shoulder. With slumped shoulders and a hunched back, he ambled past a boy walking a dog. The dog, as if it sensed the man’s sadness, barked in a forcefully cheerful way. The boy, hearing his dog bark, looked at the man with a curious expression. The man ignored them and continued along. A shiny, grey SUV whooshed by and the driver gave the man an intrigued glance but reverted his attention to the road. A flock of cockatoos zipped by overhead, oblivious to the man’s sorrow. The man looked up at them with eyes that reflected his woe inside and sighed dismally. The sky was turning into a navy blue and suddenly the streetlights flickered on. A gush of cold wind rushed by, howling viciously as if to warn everyone to retreat to their homes. His suit flapped around wildly, restrained by the man’s body. The moonlight reflected off the weathered tarmac road and illuminated the man’s face, revealing creases that exhibited his despair. The houses on both sides of the street glowed brightly and laughter and chatter floated through the air. A cat sauntered across the street, relaxed and carefree. The man payed no attention to it and drifted along. A siren wailed in the distance and caused a cacophony of barking and howling. The man slowly wandered to the middle of the street. Suddenly, from the intersection, a vehicle appeared. It rapidly approached the man. As it got closer, it became apparent that it was a battered, white van. Soon enough the Toyota badge on its front could be recognised. The man continued on, undaunted. The headlights of the van glared and the van’s engine roared, as if it to alert the man that he is in mortal danger. The driver, noticing the man, honked the horn and tried to brake, but the worn down brake hardly slowed the van down. The man looked up and took a deep breath as the van swiftly advanced towards him…

    1. "the van’s engine roared, as if it to alert the man" is supposed to be
      "the van’s engine roared, as if to alert the man ".


  23. Buzzing and Beeping filled the evening air, the warm breeze bowing the trees added to the serenity. His face gleaming with happiness giving off friendly winks with his deep blue eyes, too and fro. His Dog on his lead started to pull as if to say “come on lets run”. He glanced at the shop window and glanced at himself. He ran his white hand down his stomach giving his round belly a rub, thinking that the run could only do him good. His feet began to move faster into a fast walk he was slowly blending in with grey hoddie and green football shorts, his figure melted into the street like camouflage. Red curls began to wobble whilst the harsh sun was beating down making him sweat like an ice-cream melting the tightly shaven beard was not agreeing as sweat seeped through causing an unstoppable itch. Faces blurred as he picked up the pace the dog looked to be pulling him, but that was not the case. Finally the dog pulled up easy the tension in the lead at last was slack. Gasping for air viciously trying to collect all the air he makes way for the grim green gutter. The gutter provided his body with relief; His legs first felt the calm drizzle of rain. The small droplets were magnetised by his bright purple and green spotted socks, water rolled down to dampen the socks. He lay back feeling the cold chill of water on the footpath slowly seep in. He lay back no longer gasping for breath but taking in all of the water as it began to rain. He played there until the dog was damp and shivering spinning the water off as if he had been washed. He felt the floppiness of his legs as he stood. His eyes flashed down at his watch, he began walking.

  24. The sound of deafening metal clash rang out into the empty street; this awakened the pigeons, which flew up away into the sky in a hurried fashion. An old man stumbled across the paved street almost falling over with every step; it was as if he couldn’t control his body. He was a short, stubby fellow with eagle like eyes and yellow rotted teeth; he was carrying a mysterious brown paper bag clenching it as hard as he could with both fists. There was no one else on the road it was as if he was in an arid desert, and there was only one light witch flickered on and off every two or three seconds. There were a few abandoned shops, which had cardboard covering their windows. There was no sign of other humans anywhere as the man helplessly kept on walking down the abandoned street as if he was determined to get somewhere. His legs soon gave in and he collapsed on the cold tar road, but he didn’t stop moving he dragged himself over to the streetlight. He was panting as if he had just run a marathon; his back lay up onto the light, he took a swig from the mysterious brown paper bag that was in a vial shape. The sun started to rise and displayed a vibrant pink colour throughout the street. He then slowly closed his eyes and lay against the light pole motionless.

  25. The dust flowed easy as the old jeep climbed the steep treacherous mountain. The view from the top was endless rolling hills with tree’s capping the small ripples of hills, looking endlessly into the horizon the mountains had turned a deep blue that cannot be mistaken. The cold at first but then warm algae covered water soaked through his already brown vollies. The skipping stones added to the calm serenity of the sun coming over the caramelized hill turning the water a tinge of purple. The rabbits bouncing to and fro looked as if they were playing a child’s game, no care in the world. The clear unpolluted air allowed the clouds to float and be seen fluffier than ever, not a grey cloud in sight. As the sun beamed down heavily through the trees it allowed him to see the silhouettes of strange creatures formed in the gaps of the leaves, one breath of wind brought the creatures to the end as the cool air and winter climate didn’t agree they ordered the leaves down at once. They fell like kids rolling down a slippery dip as if it seems to be never-ending. The Haunted looking olive rows looked haunted with one side painted orange by the sun and the other a dark green. Chirping birds filled the air with a flock of rainbow little birds flying overhead like a bag of skittles being fought over.

  26. The sun rose with an exasperated start to its boring duties, it filled the vast urban city of New York with natural light and heat, overpowering all forms of gas heat and light. The sun tries to get into every nook and cranny of this city but there are some alleyways and buildings, which refuse to intake the full power of the sun. It awakens all the wildlife of the city, as if it was a massive alarm clock. The birds suddenly turned alive as they sprung up in all directions from their hiding places chirping flamboyantly, some rats wake up ready to begin their day of scavenging while others, just finishing hope to find hiding places among the cracks in the concrete city to sleep. The laziest of all the animals are the humans, they only awaken after they get intruded with funny sounds gradually getting louder only stopping once they wake up, the sun can do nothing about these humans as they put up barriers on their windows to block out the sun as if it was evil. Once they wake up they spend their whole day pumping evil fumes into the atmosphere as if they are trying to damage the planet and as if they are trying to block out the sun, even though they know that the sun is the most powerful and most renewable source of energy heat and light, yet they still block it out.

  27. The flickering lights and the creaky sounds from the wind that echoed eerily through the thin alleyways that curved around the street, brought a shiver up the anxious man’s face. He picked up his pace to a brisk walk, his heart thumping faster and faster. He began to sweat nervously in the cool air and again quickened his pace, almost jogging. He began to imagine mysterious, black faces in the darkened alleyways. The wind seemed to pick up and the man was engulfed by the happenings that surrounded him. The aroma of moist air provided the man the sense that rain would come soon.
    The wind died down and the nervousness and concern that the man held earlier had been blown away from that street, similarly to the wind. He slowed his pace, nearing the familiar corrugated iron roof that situated his warm bed and other things that he enjoyed very much, such as a television and food, which matched his round belly and doubled chin.
    His wide, hazelnut eyes stared in awe at the familiar sight of his house. His old, wrinkled legs began to tire as his creaky front gate scraped on the cement path that was located under the gate. His shoes squelched up the path from the rain that had just begun to fall, as he turned and looked at the daunting, empty street that was completely dark as the single light had flickered completely off minutes before.
    He breathed a sigh of relief and placed his hand on the cold, silver doorhandle. He stepped in to the familiar sights of the red laced carpet and the flat screen Panasonic and smiled, once again taking in a deep breath of relief.

  28. 2) The darkness slowly fades; melting away as light gradually seeps in. Suddenly, a magnificent beam of sunlight pierces the darkness completely as the sun appears over the horizon. The sun’s rays hit the broken glass shards desperately clinging on to the dull aluminium window frames of the dilapidated buildings and scatter, producing interesting dapples of light. Birds chirp as they awaken from their slumber. The leaves on trees rustle in the breeze as animals start to stir. A bird starts singing and soon a whole choir of birds chortle away, singing their various morning songs. A fox pokes its nose out of its burrow and eagerly sniffs the fresh morning air. The dew that clung onto the leaves of trees start to trickle down and fall off onto the grass. A building in the distance sees its last sunrise and collapses, thundering and roaring as the supports finally give in. A cloud of dust rises into the air and is carried off by the wind. A dog yaps joyfully and another dog joins in. Soon enough there is a hullabaloo of noise as various animals wake up. An owl hoots indignantly, woken up by the din and flies off to a more tranquil place. The grass rustles in the gust of wind and echoes through the desolate buildings. The sky is clear and clean and a few clouds lazily drift across. The creek happily chatters in the background and a lion aimlessly saunters to the shade of a large, majestic oak tree. A cat climbs on top of the wreck of a car and cheerfully lies on it, stretching itself before jumping onto the nearby branch of a tree with great ease. Birds soar into the air, stretching their wings and circling around in the air before heading for their hunting grounds. A few young puppies play tag with their father, yipping and barking in delight. It has been ten years since humanity became extinct.

  29. 2) I looked up at the bright sun over the swerving hills, its bright like forbearing shadow over the vicious remain of a once amazing city, the sunlight crawl onto my bright red shirt. I could hear birds flying in the distance and the occasional smell of charred remains. The sun was the only object left that could emit any positivity throughout the burnt remains of this once amazing city. I could smell the faint smell of ash seeping through hidden cracks in the broken walls and could feel the crumble of the walls as I pushed it ever so lightly. The sun was shimmering in this world of darkness as I carefully trod into the lagoon. The sun lit up as the rays of light hit the majestic water and for a second I couldn’t see the wonders of the world until I could feel the slight tremble of the ground as the water began to seep into my trousers. I could feel the fresh water bestow its touch onto my rough skin as the buildings began to rumble. I could feel the earth moving ever so gently but sending a wave of destruction around the world. I looked back up at the rigid flag and there I could see the symbol of hope, prosperity and the fact that we may live on in the land of forgotten, the broken shards of glass around me drew me in as I stepped out of the bright blue sparkling water. The texture of the ground was smooth as my bare feet trod onto the warm sand while bugs and others delightfully transformed across the ground into the homes under. Climbing up those stairs brought tears to my eyes as I had finally reached the cavern. The cavern of the amazing nine tails fox.


  30. Murmurs floated around a sea of gossip around the lady, she was applying lipstick as she gracefully wandered down the street filled with small shops. Each pair of eyes moved in her direction, she was used to this, after all, she was different. Her dark eyes darted from shop to shop looking for a certain one. She had a calm look on her face as a small boy pointed at her and said “Is that a girl, mummy?”. She took great offence to this but she carried on smiling proudly, but it must have been too proudly as she stumbled on her black high heels and dropped her purse. “Christine Douglas, age 28” an identity card flew to the ground and was the main act among a theatre of dazzling eyes all fixed on the card. She gathered her hairbrush, files, lipsticks, phone and pens which were strewn across the pavement. Soon she continued her journey but this time she was looking at her pink glittered iPhone case. Now she had a upset and on the verge of tears face, she was trying to mask it in her phone but now it was obvious that people were staring at her. She noticed a group of teenagers trying to take pictures of her saying “lets instagram this!”. She was about to retaliate when she realised she had passed her shop, she walked in. “How may I help you Sir, i mean Maam?” said a nervous looking shop assistant. “Well I need to get a little trim to look more feminine…” said the gleaming woman stroking her bushy black beard.

  31. Henry Pascoe (Man)12 November 2013 at 02:57

    You could hardly see him as he quietly crossed the street, in his dark woollen coat and pants. Gracefully, he passed a few people, looking as though he was in a hurry, but going nowhere in particular. He looked small for his old age, as he ducked and weaved through the flocking crowds in the city. The busy street was unknown to him, although he had travelled the route many times, down through the darkest streets around. His eyes were hidden to everyone around him, but those that saw them retained their gaze, as they looked into a dark, swirling vortex swallowing them. As he passed even more people, they tried to see him, but he continued to pass through, seemingly avoiding something, or someone. He seemed to be mumbling to himself, but it was impossible to make out, due to his strange accent and low voice. After a while, he stopped in his tracks, and turned around. He appeared to be looking back for something, as though he had dropped something. Dropping to the ground, he started to search for whatever he had dropped, and then almost immediately returning to his upright position. Looking around, he seemed to be reading the signs of the shops around him, but as one of the darkest places in town, it was next to impossible to make out. He continued to walk alongside the crowd, slower than his former speed, but keeping his eye out along the road, as though he was expecting something. After stopping for a moment, he took off his cloak, dropped it onto the ground, under the continuous footsteps of the passing crowd, and walked into the closest building.

  32. Henry Pascoe (Landscape)12 November 2013 at 03:14

    You could hear the birds tweeting as the sun rose, but today it sounded as though the birds were mocking the world. Quickly, alongside the sun came some storm clouds, looking as though they could last the whole day. The now foggy sky was filled with many different types of birds, obviously flying off to their nests, where they might just be able to get some shelter from this miserable day. As the sun continued to rise over the grassy hill, you could see how polluted the sky was, due to the towering skyscrapers that looked as though they actually reached the sun. The sky seemed stretched, due to the angle of the sun at this time of winter. Even with the bright sun, all the snow along the ground wouldn’t get the chance to melt today. The snowstorm earlier that night really meant that contact to the outside world was on hold, other than the people with phones, which was most as everyone was used to the town’s crazy weather changes. One minute, it would be snowing, but the next, it would be hotter than Venus. Nobody really knew why this happened, but they accepted it, as it didn't really affect their daily lives. Some people attributed it to the insane amounts of pollution that was filling the skies, all from the power plant you could see far off in the distance. No wonder people in the city are campaigning for it to be torn down.

  33. The chilly wind blasted his face, freezing what moisture was on his head leaving him cold and shivering. Even the 3 layers of coats and woollen jumpers which his grandmother hand-knitted for him couldn’t keep out the cold, harsh ocean gale. The coastal street was quite, it usually is this time of the day. Even with winds battering the houses not one single soul besides the lone man walking along the sidewalk on the street had thought a conscious thought. It was so early the neighbour’s rooster hadn’t even woken up yet to be and alarm clock for the entire neighbourhood.
    He glanced out into the salty sea spray, even though he knew it was going to sting his eyes. He glanced out to sea – along the horizon in the far distance. The sea was always calming for him, it was his friend. He continued to walk along the deserted street, gazing out at the sea every so often with his dark hazel eyes. The wind continued to pick up, it might as well have been a hurricane. Even in his young athletic state he was having troubles keeping his feet on the ground.
    Even the bulky, heavy backpack he was carrying did nothing to help him stay sure-footed. His legs started to tremble – he couldn’t tell whether it was because he was getting weary or because he was getting cold. He took his gloves off and blew warm air into his pale palms, immediately putting them back afterwards in the gloves and under his armpits where he hoped they will keep warm. He slowly trod on, battling against the winds. To anyone watching, they would’ve thought he was insane, walking on such a windy morning with temperatures in the negative. He crinkled his nose and looked into the distance in front of him. With a determined look he pressed on, no one can stop him now.

  34. Owen Mak (Landscape)12 November 2013 at 03:50

    The sounds of a rooster and early morning radio echoed through the wide valley, waking up the insects and the animals. Even the rooster was having a hard time adjusting to this new sound in the morning. The sun was just peeping over the horizon, right between the peaks of the 2 huge mountains to the East. Long shadows formed as the bright sun rose. The birds started whistling and chirping, saying high to their friends then flying off into the bush to look for a morning meal.
    The new residents on the farmstead were really happy. Their new house was a small and cosy cottage. Placed in the middle of a valley right next to the river. They loved waking up to the sound of water gushing, the view of the deep lush forest and the crow of the rooster.
    Their large area of land came with many benefits and made for a lovely holiday house. Going up the river was a small waterfall, the top leading up into the valley between the mountains. The forests surrounded their clearing, the dense bushland looking dark and threatening, seemingly impossible to get through. The nearest main road stood nearly 5 kilometres away up a dirt track that wounded and curved through the trees. The workers clearing them must’ve had a hard time making the road, there were so many trees in the way you couldn’t go straight for more than 20m.
    The smell of bacon and eggs wafted out of the windows of the tiny cottage as the rest of the family started to get up. They all loved the clean, fresh air in their home compared to their old place in the dirty cities of the megacity. In turn they all slowly break off to do their duties, outside under the cloudless sky and the bright shining sun.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. 2. He looked out over the city skyline, the perfect blend of colour, a yellowish purple streak emerged from behind the skyscrapers. He thought to himself, that the sweet aroma of vanilla bean coffee. He heard the distant rumbling of garbage disposal trucks powering down the urban streets of the city. Today, he was happy, everything was going his way today, he sat down on a beach chair which rested on his balcony and he closed his eyes waiting for the sunlight to gracefully touch his eyes. He listened to the other early birds who had woken up either to catch the sunrise or catch the subway to work. He realised that this city was a beautiful place but everyone was too busy to marvel at the sheer beauty of it. He listened more and heard police sirens, screams and gunshots, then he realised that there was also darkness and evil brewing in the city. He looked once more at the megalithic ball of amber and crimson tinge peeping above the buildings. He could see that the rising sun now had turned darker and was now making its graceful ascent upwards, he made a mental note to himself to catch the sunset that night. His body shivered, the cold air sliced his veins like a knife to a tomato, he began walking inside because of the cold. But he turned around to marvel at the beauty one more time, thinking to himself “Will the world always stay this beautiful?”.

  37. Man
    He gracefully closed the rusty squealing gate, making little noise. His muscular body tensed as he cautiously put down his backpack and checked his watch. The man looked around expecting something but could only perceive outlines of distinguished objects in the distance due to the fog. He picked up his backpack and started to walk towards the end of the street. His eyes were like silver fish darting in the murky water, his jawbone protruded out making his face a peculiar shape. Red blushes appeared on the sides of his mouth, as a result of the cold. Acne had attacked his face, resulting in atrocious and grotesque scars which had proliferated across his whole face. His childish face, in which when he huffed and puffed a small cloud disintegrated into the air. The black spiky hair with a touch of brown, stubbornly stuck onto his scalp without moving an inch. A malicious looking rattail bounced with every step representing the unscrupulous side of the man. The man’s dark blue canvas shoes swiftly moved, making it look as if he was almost flying. Ripped and discoloured described his sullied denim jeans that he was wearing. As he past, the smell of Lynx Africa wafted to the nostril of the bystanders. His legs moved in equal times, resulting in a march-like walk. By now, the harsh intense sunlight had risen and reflected on the empty asphalt road resulting in him covering his eyes. Unexpectedly, the man abruptly stopped, turned almost a perfect 90 degrees, and walked into a coffee shop on the side of the urban street. In all secrecy, he waves to a person in the dark corner of the shop, in a cheerful way. The bizarre person who just had walked in, bought a coffee from the counter and sat down to discuss the unknown dilemma with the man.

  38. Landscape
    I woke up to the shrill squeal of the dazzling multi-coloured parrots found on this island.10 days it’s been that I wake up from my hut, look into the intense and dazzling sunlight reflected by the calm twinkling water and hope that I’m rescued. I walked down to the sparkling water where my SOS sign was located. The sand felt as if I was walking on rough sandpaper that was sweltering hot. I quickly run down only to be dazzled by the vivid sunrise that looked picturesque. Oblivious of the fact that I was walking forward I fall right in to the blue clear water which sent a cold shiver down my spine due to the bitter cold temperature. I let out a small squeal in shock but soon later I felt relaxed and contented by the water. The palm trees near my humble hut sway in the soothing breeze. Back up the hill, vestiges of yesterday night’s campfire attract my attention as the minute remnants fly ,swirl around and disappear in the surrounding dense vegetation. Out of the blue, a gust sweeps the sand particles up into the air.I blink furiously trying to remove the particles. A vociferous, deafening rumble scares me as I quickly leave the water. Water trickles out of my drenched shirt, the water sprays everywhere as I hurriedly sprint back up the hill to my shack. The first droplets of rain drops onto my arm. A gust of wind hits me like a arrow from a bow and shoves me to the ground.I forcefully stand up and run against the wind. The water made the sand wet and muddy causing me again to slip. The whole scenario at the time felt as If it was a trap to confine me out of my hut, though I coerce myself to keep going. My weakened, fatigued body languidly finally somehow makes it to the hut. I hunker down and hope that my humble hut can survive the storm.

  39. The translucent glow of the yellow ball once again appeared over the rolling hills. The smell of the morning fumes as the city folk began their day to day lives was evident from the distant mountain as was the mysterious but quickly departing fog. Not a cloud could be seen and the heat was becoming superior to that of recent days. The heat, mixed with the pollution from cars and various other things, created quite an uncomforting situation and, for the many beach goers on this sunny morning, the day would be an unplanned disaster.
    The hot sand burned his feet, weaving its way in and out through them as they reddened. He then began to have second thoughts on his decision to come to the beach on this day. He glanced at the burning mass that was situated many millions of metres above his head, and was blinded, squinting for a minute to gain his full focus back. He perfunctorily dug a hole and placed his green and white brolley into the hole. Hastily slapping spf 30+around his body he walked into the temperate change of the salty water, the sun, still instilling its cancerous rays deep into the parts of skin that had been left without protection.
    All signs the fog that had occupied much of the landscape had receded, leaving nothing but a cloudless humid area of stuffiness. As well as, of course, the swirling hot mass that circled around the sky like the stars and the moon.
