Saturday, June 01, 2013

Your First Romantic Poem

Paste your first Romantic Poem entry here...

Freddo for the winner...



  1. It is so pure,
    that one could not obscure,
    It's long lasting laughter,
    to be lost soon after,

    It is so spontaneous,
    acting on the miscellaneous,
    and it's imagination,
    is greater than generation's,

    So before it turns wild,
    We should learn from the child.

  2. Exploring my wonderful imagination
    While I sat peacefully in meditation
    As I searched nature for a truth
    I found the fountain of youth
    Which was hidden away from rational man
    As I sat, I devised a master plan
    To always remember the importance of childhood
    So that I am never misunderstood
    So I sat drinking my moet
    I became a romantic poet

  3. a syren sang to me
    a syren sang to thee
    in the garden of Gethsemane
    a place that we both shared
    evil nor hardship ventured there
    crowned with white roses
    a soft scent before our noses
    blind to a world we where yet to see
    a syren sang to me
    a syren sang to thee

  4. The Romantics was a time of great ideas,
    They believed that the world was completely clear.
    Romantics despised the concept of science,
    It shouldn’t have had such a good appliance.
    The use of nature around them was vital,
    Trees, shrubs and animals were not trifled.
    The life of a Romantic was extremely satisfying,
    They found all simple things very gratifying.

    The use of poetic themes and techniques,
    Was one that was very unique.
    The poems were quite extraordinary,
    It made the people who read them, Fairies.
    The scenes they made out were very descriptive,
    It seemed as if they were nonrestrictive.

    Many may think they were addicted to opium,
    But it only opened their minds to a state of utopian.
    Their lives were lived out like an olden day Bogan,
    Best known for their thoughts, and technical slogans.

  5. Autumn

    Dry and dead leaves lie on their backs,
    The trees are hollow and ivory black.
    Shattered on the ground they lie,
    On top of each other by and by.

    The skies gloomy, white and dull,
    Nothing above nevertheless a sea gull.
    Though the veil of roots and the shades and blades of grass,
    Hide them vulnerable insects last.

    Sticks and logs amid the crowd,
    Painting the bare ground- well endowed.
    Innocent brilliance and untouched perfection,
    A calm connection.

  6. The Innocent Gone

    Who has ever wept more?
    Then one who has lost the one she bore.
    So young, so innocent, then a mother,
    Who had but began her journey with her lover.

    For the young she bore,
    To the tears she forelorned.
    A child has born,
    And a soul was torn.

    Who is more innocent to fall?
    Than children that the women called.

  7. William Shakehicks

    Through nature I see,
    The beautiful land complete
    Stunning by day,
    Glamorous by night,
    Revealing the truth behind us all,
    Bringing peace by mountains tall,
    Even one so little, can surprise everyone
    By the love they provide.
    The people who solve problems with guns,
    Ruin the natural goodness inside them,
    By pain, suffering and torture,
    Nature’s beauty will guide everyone,
    Who wishes to be lead by it.

  8. A dim and weary morning, desolation fills the air,
    In the ghostly darkness a child says her prayer,
    Across a noiseless meadow church bells begin to sound,
    And on this fateful morning she lies still upon the ground,

    Her spirit rises slowly breaking through the clouds,
    Her suddenly vibrant eyes look down to see the crowds,
    She begins to wildly laugh as she flies above a hilltop,
    A laugh so happily innocent it makes your heart stop,

    She steadily continues towards a shining light,
    The life she had been living, fading out of sight,
    Gazing upon a world that she’s always known,
    Now she is silent, afraid and alone,

    The memories of her past slowly begin to fade,
    And now a humbling picture, gently starts to invade,
    Her eyes begin to close as she reaches a golden door,
    She clasps her hands, for what lies ahead she is unsure,

    She steps inside the door anxious and afraid,
    Right into that meadow where her funeral is displayed,
    She looked right at her mother unsure of what to say,
    And then she just smiled and her fears went way,

    The rain began to pour and the wind began to blow,
    The rumbling of thunder and the beginning of the snow,
    Alone in that meadow stood just one lonely soul,
    Watching her body, lowered into a hole.


  9. Through pleasant tune thee came
    And thrived in this game
    Through song and dace thou played
    your wisest wonder rained
    Until thee were bought low
    Through greed and earn and show
    Where have thou gone
    Come and guide us home
    Through pit and pride we chased
    For your long embrace
    Now we seek that pleasant tune
    for still our lives close noon

  10. Mwenda Linwood4 June 2013 at 16:59

    as pure as a baby lamb....
    so is the softness of what can
    your hair thine
    your beauty fine
    you know no wrong but
    it won't last for long
    nothing else like your mind
    your heart is pure and mine
    the innocence of a child
    those being forever young and wild
