Saturday, June 01, 2013

To Spring

Please answer the question I gave you last week here...

'To Spring'...



  1. How does Blake use language to create an atmosphere and subject that reflects the conventions of Romanticism?

    300 words. Use quotes and techniques.


  2. Blake's 'To Spring' is a powerful example of poetry that found its roots in the Romantic movement.

    Typical of the Romanticist's views that nature would heal and offer solace, support and energy, Blake pays tribute to spring, the season of rebirth "with dewy locks" and "perfumed garments". From the outset of the poem, we see Blake's words resonate with the conventions of the Romantic epoch as "thine angel eyes...thy bright pavilions...they holy feet" present the image of purity. Blake's religious allusion shows how he has intertwined the notions of religion and nature. Indeed, the period during the 18th and 19th Century was a period where many people reaffirmed their evangelical beliefs, and this staunch espousal of Christianity can be read in Blake's words.

    The Romantics also promoted the notion of beauty, both in outward appearance and in the very souls of humanity. There can be no doubt that Blake personifies nature, specifically spring, in order to heap praise and admiration on the season itself. He desires for the world to "taste thy morn and evening breath" and even labels his own country a "lovesick land that mourns for thee", the ongoing personification of both his land and spring itself tend to make us believe that so greatly have mankind suffered during winter, that the sweet, suppliant influence of spring will heal all wounds.

    So great a belief does Blake have in spring that he even labels "thine angel" as the matriarch of all seasons, asserting that a "golden crown" ought to be placed "upon her languish'd head". This reverent imagery again reiterates the power and bounty that spring brings forth for mankind.

    However, there lingers a final note of humility in the poem as he acknowledges that spring - as a season - does not know of the praise that is to be laid down before it. The personification of spring's "modest tresses" shows a fervent but passive understanding that so powerful and selfless is spring, that it does not require the praise and honours that Blake himself grants.

  3. Blake's 'To Spring' is a powerful example of poetry that found its roots in the Romantic movement.

    Typical of the Romanticist's views that nature would heal and offer solace, support and energy, Blake pays tribute to spring, the season of rebirth "with dewy locks" and "perfumed garments". From the outset of the poem, we see Blake's words resonate with the conventions of the Romantic epoch as "thine angel eyes...thy bright pavilions...they holy feet" present the image of purity. Blake's religious allusion shows how he has intertwined the notions of religion and nature. Indeed, the period during the 18th and 19th Century was a period where many people reaffirmed their evangelical beliefs, and this staunch espousal of Christianity can be read in Blake's words.

    The Romantics also promoted the notion of beauty, both in outward appearance and in the very souls of humanity. There can be no doubt that Blake personifies nature, specifically spring, in order to heap praise and admiration on the season itself. He desires for the world to "taste thy morn and evening breath" and even labels his own country a "lovesick land that mourns for thee", the ongoing personification of both his land and spring itself tend to make us believe that so greatly have mankind suffered during winter, that the sweet, suppliant influence of spring will heal all wounds.

    So great a belief does Blake have in spring that he even labels "thine angel" as the matriarch of all seasons, asserting that a "golden crown" ought to be placed "upon her languish'd head". This reverent imagery again reiterates the power and bounty that spring brings forth for mankind.

    However, there lingers a final note of humility in the poem as he acknowledges that spring - as a season - does not know of the praise that is to be laid down before it. The personification of spring's "modest tresses" shows a fervent but passive understanding that so powerful and selfless is spring, that it does not require the praise and honours that Blake himself grants.

  4. William Blake uses specific and advanced language to create a certain atmosphere and subject which reflects the conventions of romanticism.

    Blake's poem of "To Spring" talks mainly about how everyone should always put nature first and how it is most important. Blake pays specific tribute to the season of Spring which is known in some countries as the season of rebirth as it is when all of the tree's get their leaves. Blake wants everyone to know about Spring. "Which in full choir hails thy approach, O Spring". Blake repeatedly turns to nature because he finds a truth and value there, that we should all put nature first. "pour Thy soft kisses on her bosom; and put Thy golden crown upon her languish'd head," This means that we should all put a golden crown upon Spring's head so that we know that she is first.

    Blake's celestial imagery makes the reader picture that Spring is walking down an aisle with everyone bowing down to her on both sides. "Up to thy bright pavilions: issue forth And let thy holy feet visit our clime!" This also represents the idea or symbol of purity as romantic poets put emphasis on what is natural and uncorrupted which is exactly what Blake is trying to say here. That Spring is pure, beautiful and above all of us, we should "pour Thy soft kisses on her bosom", even the hills tell one another and all of our eyes should turn at the sight of her, "all our longing eyes are turn'd".

    Blake has created an atmosphere of lovingness, kindness and respect. Blake shows this lovingness and kindness through his use of descriptive language for Spring. "O Thou with dewy locks...Thine angel eyes upon our western isle...O deck her forth with thy fair fingers;" His atmosphere of respect has been created through the use of celestial imagery and religious imagery. "Thine angel eyes...And let thy holy feet visit our clime!" Blake has created an atmosphere of kindness, lovingness and respect which makes the reader have a completely different view of Spring. It makes them more careful about how they treat and think about certain things.

    Blake continues to come back to his main point which is emphasised in his poem through the atmosphere he creates and the language that he uses, that we should all bow before nature so to speak, that we should put nature first.

    1. We often miss the rudimentary implications that “A poem is true if it hangs together. Information points to something else. But a poem points to nothing but itself” Blake’s striking resemblance to this philosophical ‘pearl of wisdom’ shows his propensity to create an romantic ambience, while the segment taken from songs of innocence upholds the creed of innocence

      Woven through his work “to Spring”, the disposition established by Blake in his composition is hope. The symbolic nature of using spring has his keynote represents the meteorological phase as a new beginning, a world that is reborn through innocent eyes.

      It is through the first stanza that Blake effectively accounts for the fast approaching recrudescence of spring. The reader is made aware of spring’s presence with Blake personifying spring as someone “with dewy locks” who gazes upon the Earth “through the clear windows of the morning”. Blake also elucidates to his excitement of the arrival of spring, which he recites “Thine angel eyes upon our western isle”. The isle refers to the poet’s country of birth, England.

      The second stanza starts with the personification “the hills tell each other, and the list’ning valleys hear”, which denotes the land anxiously waiting for the coming of spring, the hills communicating with each other and the valleys listening. Blake emphasises that England, in somewhat a religious way, waits for the longed for effect of spring to “let thy holy feel visit our clime”.

      The third stanza mainly implies the love-sickness after what has been a cruel, tiresome and harsh winter. Him begging spring to “Scatter thy pearls upon our love-sick land that mourns for thee” shows his desperation for wanting to feel its beauty and presence.

      Stanza four asks that all life on Earth embrace as spring conquers the land as she “decks her forth with thy fair fingers”. Blake’s use of ‘modest’, functions to provide an idea of the humble disposition of springs own importance.

      In all, Blake heavily addresses the ideas of spring as the most anticipated season. But he also pays attention to making us wary of the fact that spring does not deserved to be embraced with the humility it has received. It is a far more sophisticated force of nature


  6. We often miss the rudimentary implications that “A poem is true if it hangs together. Information points to something else. But a poem points to nothing but itself” Blake’s striking resemblance to this philosophical ‘pearl of wisdom’ shows his propensity to create an romantic ambience, while the segment taken from songs of innocence upholds the creed of innocence

    Woven through his work “to Spring”, the disposition established by Blake in his composition is hope. The symbolic nature of using spring has his keynote represents the meteorological phase as a new beginning, a world that is reborn through innocent eyes.

    It is through the first stanza that Blake effectively accounts for the fast approaching recrudescence of spring. The reader is made aware of spring’s presence with Blake personifying spring as someone “with dewy locks” who gazes upon the Earth “through the clear windows of the morning”. Blake also elucidates to his excitement of the arrival of spring, which he recites “Thine angel eyes upon our western isle”. The isle refers to the poet’s country of birth, England.

    The second stanza starts with the personification “the hills tell each other, and the list’ning valleys hear”, which denotes the land anxiously waiting for the coming of spring, the hills communicating with each other and the valleys listening. Blake emphasises that England, in somewhat a religious way, waits for the longed for effect of spring to “let thy holy feel visit our clime”.

    The third stanza mainly implies the love-sickness after what has been a cruel, tiresome and harsh winter. Him begging spring to “Scatter thy pearls upon our love-sick land that mourns for thee” shows his desperation for wanting to feel its beauty and presence.

    Stanza four asks that all life on Earth embrace as spring conquers the land as she “decks her forth with thy fair fingers”. Blake’s use of ‘modest’, functions to provide an idea of the humble disposition of springs own importance.

    In all, Blake heavily addresses the ideas of spring as the most anticipated season. But he also pays attention to making us wary of the fact that spring does not deserved to be embraced with the humility it has received. It is a far more sophisticated force of nature

  7. In this poem, ‘Too Spring’, written by William Blake it as an angelic description, personifying Mother Nature. Through his use of biblical illusion and through making references to nature he is able to tie in all the conventions of the romantics.

    “Thine Angle” is characterising Mother Nature as a goddess through the use of biblical illusion. This depicts Mother Nature as a holy being, bringing only good to the world. It is shown that through “Which in full choir hails thy approach, o’ spring” that we are shown that Spring is so desperately yearned for to the point where all living things are welcoming its arrival through emotive, metaphoric language in this quote.

    The Romantics all believed that nature was all that man needed to suffice, and through both of these techniques in the poem ‘Too Spring’, being biblical illusion and metaphoric language, it is shown that he to had the belief that in the relief of spring it was a time of exuberance and joy in which the relief of the warmth has brought.

    He continues to personify Spring or Mother Nature in the last stanza, “O deck her forth with thy fair fingers; pour - Thy soft kisses on her bosom; and put - Thy golden crown upon her languish'd head” This beautifying language gives the allusion that a ghastly winter bringing much pain and hardship that has now been finally overcome by a healing season of spring bringing sun, warmth and a time to recover.

  8. Throughout this poem To Spring the author William Blake extensively portrays the season, Spring using personification. “Let us taste thy morn and evening breath” suggests to us that Blake addresses Spring almost as it is a woman further allegorically suggesting that Spring is alive and he enjoys it’s “morn and evening breath”.

    Blake allows us to interpret that there is a sense of excitement as spring comes and the “full choir hails thy approach, O Spring!” Blake believes that spring is close and it’s approaching as its “angel eyes” reach upon “our western isle”. The use of celestial imagery suggests to us that he believes that there is a relationship between religion and the seasons.

    He utilizes his imagination with his language to describe spring and her “golden crown upon her languish’d head” that implies that the land is most important. He describes his state of love sickness, as he wants spring.

    “Modest trees are bound up for” spring as they long for the cure that spring brings. Blake continually calls for the season and longs for nature’s beauty dreaming about her.

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  12. Dan Tompson (nagini)4 June 2013 at 19:34

    How does Blake use language to create an atmosphere and subject that reflects the conventions of Romanticism? 

    300 words. Use quotes and techniques.

    William Blake’s Poem ‘To Spring’ is a powerful example of poetry that uses of language and techniques to create and atmosphere and subject that reflects the conventions of Romanticism.

    Romanticist’s poems often included themes of nature; this was because they believed that nature was sublime or perfect. They also believed that you could find a new truth and value that had been lost by the rational man. Blake personifies nature and in this case spring, he does this to heap praise and admiration on the season itself. Blake likens spring to that of a beautiful woman “whose modest tresses are bound up for these” and “thy morn and evening breath”.

    Blake uses many biblical illusions to depict spring as Mother Nature who is a holy presence, only bringing peace and goodness to the world. We can see just how beautiful and perfect the world is through Mother Nature’s “angel eyes”. Through the use of biblical illusions we can see that spring is eagerly waited for and welcomed as it is beautiful and peaceful, ““Which in full choir hails thy approach, o’ spring”.

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