Friday, January 25, 2013

2013 - Year of the Awesome

Sure, the Chinese might say it's the Year of the Snake.

For us, it's Year of the Awesome.

Welcome to it.

Welcome to Satchel.


  1. 2013 is awesome.

  2. Yes it is :)

  3. 10C are here with me. Yay.

  4. I hope to do better than what I have achieved last year.
    I just want to set myself some personal goals which would be a good stepping stone for the future.

  5. For Henry the cliff isn’t just any old cliff. For him it is his cliff. Henry doesn’t really like school he gets bullied. every day after school he goes up to the cliff edge and sits there. For him it his home, it is his sanctuary. When Henry was young his dad died. His mom however survived the car crash. But she has never been the same again. One day after a tough day at school harry ran straight to the cliff. He just sat there and cried he cried and he cried and he cried. His mum started to get worried. She went straight to the cliff and. But he was nowhere to be seen

  6. Today was the day when I would find out. I will find out if all my hard studying was worth it. Dad says that the will be happy weather I get a good mark or not. However mum says that she would like me to get a good mark. I think I did horribly. That I didn’t study near as vigorously as all the other students. Today will be the day when I will get the letter back. I stood waiting at the mail box silently like a ghost, nobody stopped to ask if I was okay nor did I say anything to them. I was in a state of tranquility. It felt like years I was there standing before the postman came. He silently gave me the letter and he knew what I was waiting for. He must of seen this every year. He looked into my eyes like he knew the answer, then he drove off to the next house almost forgetting what entirely happened like that he was in another universe. Now I will find out my HSC scores.

  7. The boy run’s up to the top of the cliff, escaping his parents fighting with each step. He looks out in front of him, he has never seen something so beautiful and it came at the best time for something like this to cheer him up. Before him lay the slowly descending sun as darkness creeps closer with each minute. He knows he hasn’t got long until he has to head back to the dreaded feeling of his parents fighting. As he walks along the beach he smell’s the sea breeze which passes by his face every now and then. The boy says to himself “I’m in paradise” (and he really was). He collapses as he starts to weep, the tears run down his smooth baby like face.

  8. The Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring view of nature because of its gigantic mountains and deep chasms. The view from the top of the Grand Canyon is crazy. Birds gracefully fly over the famous canyon. The rough boulders are piled up to form outstanding mountains. Every day tourists are looking cautiously over the fragile rocks too see into the deep dark chasms. As I walked down the steep cliff face I felt like a dwarf in a giant’s world with the majestic rocks towering over me. As I look around myself I see many colorful rocks. Once I reached the bottom of the deep chasm I look up and see a shining, bright blue sky above me.

  9. On the bus coming home my ears are hurting I’m pretty sure the bus is rattling I cant be to sure since my ears have been damaged and resulted in deafness.
    This is very different I have been starring at the scenery no trenches, no tanks or storming man on the horizon, its all very knew kind of scary its strange to think that the world and town I used to live in is now scary and to much for me to handle. Its Amazing what just those couple of years can do to You!

    As we are on the bus my friends are writing things down and I respond, I feel isolated like I am the only one of my kind, everyone else on the bus is fine.
    The bus stops and the doors open and they are talking to me as we had stopped and they are now writing something down and in a very rushed fashion I read it “ its your stop” I get up and the bus starts to leave it flings me onto the ground, it doesn’t hurt to bad in physical sense but in the emotional sense it shatters me make me feel like I am alone a tear falls down my face it feels like a cold strip of depression it sorrows to the deepest depth of my heart. As I get of the bus cars zoom past and people screaming lights on billboards flashing, its to much to take in my brain feels like it has been forced and replaced I don’t know who I am anymore the world I once desired has know became so unpredictable and so frightening, I take a seat on a gutter and ponder the many thoughts that are coming and going at what feels like a million kilometers a second.

    Ii get out the city as it is just a world of miss placed mayhem and people thinking they are in stress and scary times in life, “ Ill tell you whats scary ducking into mud holes with rockets propelled right at you, going to sleep at night knowing that any second someone could jump down into the trench and kill you, and how bout seeing all your friends and lifes strongest strength a “friendship” be shattered into a million pieces, that’s scary.
    I feel pity to these so called “city slickers” thinking there life is tough.

    As im walking back to my shaggy apartment as I remember it I see kids playing on the side walk, and suddenly thoughts flashed into my head they were more of remembrance than thoughts, I remember what I saw in Afghanistan as was on a raid and we storm out the building two men were waiting outside with guns ready to shoot me as I rushed out of the building all this happened unknowingly I slipped and by reflex one of the soldiers shot and the bullets went over me straight into he’s fellow solider as I got up I looked back to see a young boy crying on the ground saying “sorry papa don’t die papa don’t die “ I wanted to help I reached out by jolted back realizing the risk of interaction with the kid. A wave of regret and depression and a bit of aftermath shock struck me I couldn’t stop thinking about what I have been through and wondering who am I …

    I finally reach my apartment as I open the door I focus on the thought that maybe I have false memory maybe I used to live in a posh rich apartment as I throw open the door… There it is torn up couches broken glasses and half eaten sandwiches on the bench bear bottles scattered around basically like they were decorations.
    I walk around my room find my wallet to find out I am broke I put all my money into applying and getting the gear acquired for the army and I start to think how can I spend all my money on watching my friends die how can I spend all my money on years full of fear how can I spend every single last penny I have on five years full of pain, I guess I didn’t know that’s what it would be like, I was so young and stupid.
    But im not young and stupid anymore I have no single thought on how I will rebuild my life as a war veteran I am know in debt, its ironic how unfair life is one second its great the other its crap how unexpected your life can end and I end on that though I am angry I sit down I open the window and ponder my thoughts I stand up I feel the wind pushing against my face and a couple seconds later I realize I’ve hit rock bottom actually more like cement bottom !

  10. How full is the earth? i am a earth child and you? Can you go travelling inside the earth? Yes inside, in Her magnificent core, we can only meet at that point. 
How does it sound? No sound, there is only an enriching silent in the earth core. It is only growing for earth children, not for all kind of earth creatures. the earth is our mother, everybody knows it. But not everybody can feel + fit into her Body. What’s your name? Earth child, i already told you. 
Don’t you have another name like Susanna, Mary, jin…
Earth children are unnamed cause uncolored are their faces and unspoken are their lips.

  11. a person in a locker room:
    He’s feeling very nervous, he wants to be quite, he’s sitting in a dark room thinking about the things he’s going to face when he goes onto the field and he’s also thinking about the right decisions to make when he get onto the field.

    Losing the game:
    We lost the game i feel really shocked I thought that we were going to win that game I playing my hardest I practiced for ages and it all came down to this… A loss.

    We Won:
    We won I am so happy I practiced hard for this day and now all the hard work has payed off now ill get ready for next year and see what the other teams will bring to their game.

    I’m at the NBA finals in the staples centre getting ready for my game I’m thinking of what the game will throw at me, I’m feeling very nervous and I hate being nervous cause thee last time I was feeling nervous it cost us the finals, the team was depending on me to make the game changing plays, I was leading my team in scoring, rebounding, assists and steals but I hope it doesn’t happen this time…
