Thursday, January 31, 2013

Your Own Poem Analysis


Please post up your main ideas on what your poet is trying to say about his topic. (100 words)

eg - Frost's 'The Road Not Taken' is a comment about life choices and the process to making decisions that define us.



  1. casdcdsacarfteberyntynhb

  2. thats my fun time hehehe

  3. Coldplay's "Paradise" is a song written in a poetic format about a girl in which how "she expected the world" but then she realised it had "flew away from her reach" meaning it didn't go the way she had expected. Every time she closes her eyes she "dreams of Paradise" which is described as her 'own world.' The main point I think Coldplay is trying to display through music is that sometimes in life, it has its bright side and the down side. But this is only my point of view on what I think the artist is trying to present.

  4. Kanginator - Alexander kang1 February 2013 at 19:48

    That is good Justin, remember to include some language techniques to support what you think the poet is trying to portray to the audience. Overall well done on getting English done and ,I like how you put in quotes in your sentence that flows on what you are trying to express. Good Job :)

  5. from this poem we can tell alot about the poet. The fact that there are 2 roads/paths in the plot tell us that the persona has been given 2 choices one of which he must chose. In the end of the poem the persona takes the path that was less travelled on. What he poet is trying to say is that everyone would want to take the easier path but he shows that sometimes you need to take the difficult path in order to make the difference to your world. The lesson, the poet is trying to show is that sometimes in life you will not be happy with what is happening with you but in the long run, it is for the better.

  6. The poem, The Road Not Taken, is about Robert Frost and his decisions in some time of his life. At that time, he was given two options, the easy path or the hard path.

    ~"And I...
    I took the road less travelled by,
    And that has made all the difference."

    This decision is a very important decision, and he takes the "Road less travelled by", suggesting that his choice was an unpopular choice, going against human nature.
    It was a tough decision, but a worthwhile choice.
    The poem would suggest that this decision changed his life indefinitely.


  7. Tyger Tyger
    This poem is basically question "God" and his creation. Where would he created such mighty and fearful animal such as the tiger but in the other hand also created such weakling and useless animal such as the sheep. Wondering if it's god that created these two animals or it is just the nature. William Blake is trying to prove to his audience at that time that there is no such thing as "God". Since he is not a religious person himself he seem to be more interested in science and evaluation.

  8. From the poem that i have chosen we can discover key ideas that the poet is stating during his poem. in the song truly madly deeply by savage garden the poet hayes is expressing the love he feels for his partner and the main ideas that he has used to do this are; loyalty and affection. hayes expresses the idea of loyalty by the use of his emotional and powerful language "'ll be your hope I'll be your love be everything that you need." this quote shows us how loyal he is to his partner expressing that he will be there for them whenever they need. hayes idea of adoration for his partner is also done through emotional language and imagery "I want to stand with you on a mountain" through this quote we see that hayes' use of imagery has allowed the reader to see how hayes wants to adore his partner by showing them wondrous sights

  9. The main points that Kenny Rogers is trying to explain in his poem ‘The Gambler’ is that you are given many options in life and its not about the options your given its about how you value and use one option. He uses gambling as a metaphor and the way they are related is that if you make one mistake in life it can send you broke or destroy your life. This is very similar to gambling because one false move can make you lose all your money. Kenny Rogers is trying to explain that you should value life and use every opportunity you’re given.

  10. The poem written by Robert Frost titled "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" talks about distractions in our life between the lines of his poem. Through his array of Language techniques Frost was able convert the meaning of the poem very clearly. Frost portrays the persona trying to travelling to a far destination that has "miles to go before I sleep". He emphasise the sentence "miles to go before I sleep" with repetition to accentuate that the persona has a lot of miles to travel. Through his journey he was stopped by the beauty of the "lovely, dark and deep" woods, as he entered a virtual world. As the persona pauses to admire the beauty ,we are soon transferred into the horse shoes in the second stanza. Through anthropomorphism we can feel what the horse is feeling. The horse shows restless as he "gives his harness bells a shake". Accounting for the bell being shaking , the bell breaks the silence of the scene as it is like the horse is calling the Persona back into the reality. Through this analysis we can confirm that the poet Robert Frost talks between the lines .He concludes that we are sometimes attracted to an object but we must not get distracted but continue with our goals .

  11. The Ghetto boys in their song "G-code" are telling the story of the life of a gangster and the rules that they all live boy. They describe how dangerous their lives are and how no one can trust the government especially the police and if there is anything that needs to be done they take the law into their own hands. their mistrust in the government is evident in the chorus when they say "we dont trust in the judicial system we shoot guns" this theme of mistrust and hatred of others and the government is clear throughout the whole song

  12. Lanterns is a song sung by Birds of Tokyo and is about them following the road and using lanterns to light up the road and then they find out that they should stand up for who they are. My opinion on what the poet it trying to say is that with standing up for yourself you can be who you want to be and bounce back from when times get tough and things don’t go your way. It makes it a lot easier when times get tough if you have positive mind and you will find that you will get through it.

  13. Eric Clapton's "Tears in heaven" is about the loss of Clapton's 4 year old son. Eric Clapton tries to describe heaven and the loneliness that his dead son would be feeling in heaven. He explains that he wishes to be with his son but he isn't unable to live in the pass, unable to stay forever depressed at the loss of his son, he shows this through the line "i must be strong, and carry on." He contemplates about his sons hand in his and the love that they shared through the line "would you hold my hand, if i saw you heaven."

  14. Robert Frost's poem 'The Road not Taken', is an extended metaphor for life choices "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood", symbolising two paths in life. Frost enjoys making analogies to life in a frequent number of his poems. He uses sentence structure that in many of his poems has a much deeper meaning then what you first saw. In 'The Road not Taken' for the majority of the poem, stanza one and two, the character is trying to decide, which road to take. "long I stood/ And looked down one as far as I could",the character pauses for a while, contemplating which path to take, and which one may have the better deal. Frost highlights the significance of the characters decision by using 'long I stood'. The poet then goes on to say that both paths 'had worn them really about the same … and both that morning equally lay' These two different lines are very similar and show how Frost links the two stanzas together. Frost uses dark imagery 'in leaves no step had trodden black' the word black symbolising death as he describes how worn the ground is that many people have walked on that road. The First stanza, presents the scene and the character decides that the choice will be a hard one, the second stanza is about Frost choosing one of the paths because he sees metaphorically that 'it was grassy and wanted wear', illustrating the lush grass, contrasting to the other path with 'leaves no step had trodden black'. The third stanza presents a scene where the character realises that both paths really are not noticeably very different and 'Yet knowing how way leads on to way' he doubted that he would ever come back. The poet realises that he cannot go back, even if his choice, or 'life choice', is to hard. And in the final stanza the poet expresses that he will be telling this story to someone, whence the decision is long gone. "I shall be telling this with a sigh/ Somewhere ages and ages hence", it is ironic that Frost is know telling us this story and that he puts that line in.

  15. The poem of “the road not taken” by Robert Frost has explored many aspect of life decision. Using the example of a man everyday journey. As we choose different path everyday and some of that path we are able to pick them instantly. However, some path that is more difficult and challenging. It is hard for some people to pick the right one, mainly because of “laziness”.

    As we may not know that the lazy path we choose will end up. As shown in the first paragraph of “To where it bent in the undergrowth”, Frost shows us that sometime we may not seen the future of which the path the lead to.

    People will also choose the path that is most populated, the most path that everyone takes and that is what people still do. As shown in the second paragraph, “And having perhaps the better claim. Because it was grassy and wanted wear”. Frost is showing us that he also had times when he had the same thought of picking the paths that many people take, the most popular one. This sentence also had a sense of bias as shown in “perhaps the better claim” in which this is actually the path to pick.

    Next, Frost probably had another thought of the new path he faced. Which he exclaims, “Oh, I kept the first for another day”. Presenting that the second decision of what he had is still bothering him. Therefore, he hasn’t erases that from his will. But however, also said “Yet knowing how way leads to way, I doubted if I should ever come back”. Presenting that he might regret not taken the other path, but this way also leads to another. Repetition is also uses to create a image of a new path in the audience mind.

    Lastly, Frost has made an unclear statement of “I shall be telling this story with a ‘sigh’”. The action of ‘sigh’ is symbolise and represent of despair and giving up. Might show that the new way leads to a bad decision. However, a ‘sigh’ can also be a symbol of relief and gladness that this statement is made unclear so that the audience could reflect to it. “And that had made all the different”

    In conclusion, the poem “the road not taken” by Robert Frost is trying to remind every people about the power of life decision. Some life decision can be easily determined. However, some decision could possibly affect you and people around you for the rest of their life.

  16. “The Road Not Taken” displays many of the life choices humans face today and their effect on us through poetic techniques. The protagonist in his poem faces "two roads diverged in a yellow wood," portraying a character confronted by a challenging and important decision.
    In this extract, Frost portrays this decision through use of an extended metaphor, with the road representing a notion that all people can relate to. The universally applicable nature of the poem theme allows readers to relate to it.

    To further the idea of choice, Frost explores the concept of regret, as he was “sorry I could not travel both” roads. Emotive language is then used to describe his unease as a decision was approaching. He realizes that both paths hold equal opportunities “had worn them really about the same” which is a great example of a choice people face everyday in search for jobs, that will be bet than the other, but if “the road” is pursued you will have the same outcome as if you did this on the other road. A fresh start has been made “in leaves no step had trodden black” new life (people with second chances)
