Thursday, January 31, 2013

First Task - Nature Descriptive Piece


Please type up your 150-word descriptive piece on nature.



  1. Waking up in the morning, knowing that the glamorous Sun is up from the horizon. The fascinating Sun shining upon the magnificent atmosphere. Looking at the Sun is like God's holy light trying to tell you time for an another day to kick start. Outside the house you could feel the warmth of the sunlight, the cozy feeling is like as if you are in front of a heater. Although the brightness of the Sun is like you have hope to strife goals during the day, but I would never try to look directly to the red-hot burning Sun. You will get dazzle after looking at the glaring sunlight!

  2. I see magnificent birds in front of my eyes. All of which have coats of feathers filled will all the colours of the rainbow. They seem majestic and elegant as they effortlessly fly thought the wet, moist air. I can smell the hot, humid air thick as it enters my nose. The sound of droplets of water hitting ground as the morning dew falls of the falls of the large leaves of the rainforest. Creates movements in the think green under layer of the forest. I can feel the sweat trickle down my neck as the heat batters my body from all directions. The taste of fresh water in the air over powers all of other flavours leaving the taste of warm water in my mouth.

  3. My feet burn like I have stood on a frying pan. I take off my pack and search furiously for something to cover my feet with. A towel! Perfect! I spread the towel on the sand and sit there, staring at the plain of absolutely nothing. All I can see is the blazing sun producing heat waves to blur everything I look at. A dead tree about to collapse. And the red sand. “where am I?” I think to my self, its been at least 3 days I’ve been out in this unforgiving and treacherous desert. The sight I see I know is the only thing I will see till the moment my body gives it self to the deserts sand, but yet its so calming. Siting on a towel on sand. Like I’m at the beach with my family – mum, dad, and my brothers.

  4. As I got out of my brother’s car, I felt this gush of strong wind that hit my face, and it felt so pleasing that Mother Nature has welcomed me to her view. When I walked around the national park I started to think about what nature has to offer in terms of its view and the wildlife. As I was thinking about these things I heard the blistering calls of a distressed magpie. I could smell something potent lingering from the direction of the Picnic area. I saw vermin nibbling on the rotten food scraps left in the bottom of the bin. As I saw this, I decided to walk back to where we stopped off. On the path back towards the car, there were thorns that slice marks on my precious skin. After I got back to the car we left the wonderful sight… Actually I’m not so sure that nature is wonderful.

  5. My 150 word story about awe-inspiring nature

    My family and I were on holidays and we were travelling to the beach. As we left the sun was scorched, it was making the car very hot and stuffy. After driving for one hour I decided to come out and admire the overwhelming view of all the unusual trees from the forest.

    Soon, after I cooled down from the moist forest my family decided to continue driving to the beach. As I looked out of the window I saw that the burning sun was too much for the trees and bushland to handle so the sun started a flaming bushfire.

    My dad started driving faster, we were trying to get away from the flames as they started lashing out at us. Soon we passed the large forest and had a perfect view of the clear, vast ocean. It had been a crazy journey but it was worth it to walk on the soft sand and swim in the cool relaxing ocean.

  6. I’m in the locker room getting ready for my basketball game tonight, it’s the finals and I’m feeling really nervous I can hear the crowd cheering and waiting for us to come to the court And I’m just sitting there listening to music, I look around at my teammates they’re all sweating thinking their going to play bad in the game I can feel what they’re thinking cause this isn’t my first finals game

  7. As I sit at the top of Mount Panorama, watching one of the greatest sporting events of the year in my mind, I am simply taken away from everything, from all the work and stress at school, stress at home. I am just relieved of everything, relaxing, watching my favourite sport.

    Being at Bathurst at this time of the year is just wonderful, seeing all the big transporters roll in into the town and get their pit spots along the pit lane is a sight that will always be in my mind. The only setback is the drunken race fans. I love watching this great race and I think the drunken people would enjoy it a lot more sober then being hung-over on Sunday morning.

    As the race gets underway, everyone is on top of the hill getting louder and louder, cheering for their favourite drivers. Not only can I hear the cars and the fans, I can also hear the commentator saying ‘As the all power up Mountain Straight, Winterbottom takes the lead but gets passed by Lowndes under braking’. Louder and louder they get, closer and closer they get. Finally, they reach the top of the mountain, they get into McPhillamy Park. Winterbottom got back into the lead somehow after being passed by Lowndes. Watching all the cars go makes me realize why I have such a strong passion for this sport. I can hear the commentator again and he is saying ‘OH NO! One of the race favourites has put it in the wall, Tander has put it in the wall and he looks to be out of the race’.

    As the race progresses it has the usual amount of Mount Panorama casualtys. We started with 30 we are now left with 22. During this time Whincup has brung himself into the lead battle making it a three-way battle between Whincup, Winterbottom and Lowndes. Lowndes leads to the top of the hill and Winterbottom goes for dive into skyline and gets it done, Lowndes slips back under him at Forrest Elbow but Winterbottom goes for the switchback meanwhile Whincup has had an amazing run onto Conrod and has made it three wide!!! Three wide into the chase, two wide doesn’t usually work in the chase let alone three! Winterbottom backs out of it and Whincup gets into the lead. Whincup ran wide on the exit and has let Lowndes get on the inside of him for the last corner. Lowndes passes cleanly and takes the win from Winterbottom then Whincup.

    This was possibly one of the best races I have ever seen. Now I understand why I have such a passion for this sport.

  8. I arose one morning in a blissful state I gazed out of my window, cold to the touch to see a mellow crimson sun rising on the dull pink sky. It is making the frost on the lime-green leaves sparkle as though they are white lights on a Christmas tree. Birds fly in a V-formation, with the crimson sunlight on their backs, it is as though they have a red glow encompassing their entire being. The regular hum of forest life is beginning its crescendo, as all the creatures of the forest come to life in one great symphony of life. Amongst this majestic symphony there is a quiet expectation telling you that somehow this will be ruined. However it remains, it stands A testament to other awe-inspiring. I gaze one last time seeing the diamond like frost on the lime coloured leaves the red shimmering of the birds and the crimson sun blazing triumphantly against the dull pink sky.

  9. Me and my Dad decided that we would go fishing at a nearby lake. My Dad came in to my room that smelt like old wet socks he turned my light on. I woke up and I thought I was going to go blind. I grunted to him. He said I should have breakfast and get changed. I went to the kitchen and had wheat-bix. I put too much milk in the bowl of 4 bix and they got soggy and mushy. I finished my breakfast got changed into some boardies and a t-shirt then we head off.

    When we got to the lake that we always go to. when we got to were we were going fishing there was nobody there I was confused as to why nobody would be out fishing on such a great day. Dad said it must be because it is Sunday morning and everybody must be asleep still. We put the boat onto the water and headed out looking for the best fishing spot. The boat was an old blue boat with an outboard motor. We were fishing for ages without a single bite so we decided to take the half hour trip home.
    On the way home we were coming onto our street when an incredibly loud crash and our car moved to the side. I woke up. It was just a dream I am sweating and breathing heavily. It is only 3 am and I really don’t feel like going back to sleep.

  10. Gavin van den Berg4 February 2013 at 13:59

    At the top of table mountain I am able to see all over cape town. I am standing at the which is railing holding me back from falling down. The railing is cold from the moist air constantly blowing on it. I shiver at the touch of it and the chilly air. I decide to pull up the zipper of my warm jacket and prepare to watch the beautiful view as the sun rises. It was a truly amazing sight getting the warmth and blinding sun rise into your eyes.

    Once the day on the mountain continued more people arrived to see the wonderful sight. The restaurants and the small shops started to flourish with tourists like when you kick an ants nest. The small rock rabbits also started to join what felt like a party they would jump over rocks and impress the people.

    After the view I retreated back to the cable car with my family. We were being taking back down, leaving the majestic view from the top of the mountain but the cable car ride showed us the side of the mountain too which was another fantastic sight.
    When we reached the bottom we looked back up at the mountain feeling stunned. We were truly amazed by this wonderful mountain.

  11. For henry the cliff isn’t just any old cliff. For him it is his cliff. Henry doesn’t really like school he gets bullied every day after school he goes up to the cliff edge and sits there. For him it his home it is his sanctuary. When henry was young his dad died. His mom however survived the car crash. But she has never been the same again. One day after a tough day at school harry ran straight to the cliff. He just sat there and cried he cried and he cried and he cried. His mum started to get worried. She went straight to the cliff and. But he was nowhere to be seen

  12. The boy run’s up to the top of the cliff, escaping his parents fighting with each step. He looks out in front of him, he has never seen something so beautiful and it came at the best time for something like this to cheer him up. Before him lay the slowly descending sun as darkness creeps closer with each minute. He knows he hasn’t got long until he has to head back to the dreaded feeling of his parents fighting. As he walks along the beach he smell’s the sea breeze which passes by his face every now and then. The boy says to himself “I’m in paradise” (and he really was). He collapses as he starts to weep, the tears run down his smooth baby like face.

  13. Lachlan Macdonald4 February 2013 at 14:10

    As I walk along the beach on a not so hot but cool summers day I can’t help to feel the bitter sweet taste of freedom, no rules just me and the vast mysterious ocean that lays before my eyes. The warm, grainy sand tingles my feet while I breath in the salt of the water. The waves crashing and the wind howling puts my mind into a state of peace as I walk the beach alone in touch with the beautiful but harsh environment that surrounds me. Some days I just lie on the beach for hours just listening to the peaceful harmony of the ocean. But some days the ocean can change from a quiet and relaxing place to a harmful and vicious environment as waves tear up earth and rock like a pack of hungry dogs or how the angry voice of the rushing wind carelessly destroys nature leaving long and saddened faces. The beach is a mixed environment with marvelous but heinous aspects.

  14. Could you please delete my other comment this one is the proper one.
    Lighting up the sky like a light in a room. Forking, the bolt scatters across the sky. The booming of the bolt deafens me like a gunshot next to my ear, and the crack of the bolt like from a whip! The sheer force of this bolt destroys a tree in less than a second. The sky above me is dark like black ink yet in the distance the red, pink, purple, orange and colors from a rainbow setting the sun before the gloomy night defends upon us. The smell of rain is nearing like soil the fresh scent awakens me. I feel a moist spray across my face. The storm nears me. I can feel the wind barricade against my face as I am a blockade in the road of the whistling wind. The fresh water the trickles into my mouth as I taste the fresh water like from a tropical stream

  15. I feel the icy wet wind, rush through my hair, as I lean over this steep, sharp cliff. As I stare out at the brutally ruff sea, I spot a small boat sailing out of my sight. I wonder how it would feel out there with the huge waves spraying over the top of the little sailing boat. My vision blurs as the little boat sails further and further over the circle looking horizon.
