Friday, February 01, 2013

What do you hope to achieve this year in English?

Morning Gents,

I'd like you to log here what it is you'd like to achieve in English this year.

Whether it is achieving a higher ranking than last year or whether you have something specific you'd like to improve in, I'd like to be able to re-visit this at the year's end and see if we've achieved our aims.

Happy Wet Weekend,



  1. oh you have a man purce? did you go to joeys aswell?1 February 2013 at 18:28

    This year I would like to achieve a higher ranking to set myself up for extension english classes in year 11 and 12. I would like to show my parents the potential i have.

  2. If we're sharing beds, im bunking with Phil1 February 2013 at 19:48

    I just want to get a better rank so that I can get back up to the B class and just to put more effort into English so that I can achieve this.

  3. I want to enjoy English this year and aspire to achieve consistently high marks.

  4. This year I would like to improve the neatness of my handwriting, my speed of writing and my spelling. A rank doesn't mean the world to me, what matters is whether I perform to the best of my ability this year.

  5. This year I would like to improve my ranking and results for English by putting in the effort that was lacking last year. However at the end of year, if the results aren't up to my standards I'll be happy as long as I know I tried my best.

  6. I just want to get a better rank so that I can get back up to the B class and just to put more effort into English so that I can achieve this. I also want to have better handwriting and just out in as much effort as I can.

  7. Want I want to get out of English this year is a deeper understanding of literature. Also to improve my writing skills and to be able to analyse writing in a more mature way. I think my marks will be relative to these aspirations and will reflect the effort I put into the course, so they are not a big worry for me.

  8. This year I wish to show my parents that, although sending me to a school such as kings is a huge and costly risk, that it is worth it and that I am able to get out what I put in. To be able to tell them after I have graduated from this school that I am unworried about my ATAR due to the fact that I have pushed myself to the maximum and what comes back may or not resemble my efforts, but is still a reason to make my parents proud. And that process starts this year, just prior to my HSC.

  9. This year i would like to be organised and develop good habits as far as school goes; punctuality, time management, being able to stay on task and just a good work ethic in general.

  10. This year, I am hoping to improve my english so that I get a better english class and rank. I would like to make a career out of english and become a journalist, and as a result, I need to improve my english to the best of my ability. I would like to make my parents proud, and show them that all the money they are spending is not being wasted.

  11. Archie want achieved potential, goodest rank and fun most time.

  12. This year i would like to achieve a higher ranking, that being one which would set myself into a scholar class. This is because i would like to set myself up and prepare myself for the H.S.C as best i can and also because it would be best to be in a scholar class to ensure i keep my scholarship.

  13. I want to set myself up for my HSC by working consistently this year in English - that means I have to improve my vocabulary, terminology and handwriting. A higher ranking would be a bonus but I will be happy if I know I have done my best.

  14. This year I want to work to the best of my ability, and receive a high effort ranking to impress my parents. I want to move up to A or B class to put myself in a prime position for Year 11 and 12. As a mark, I would like to be achieving 80-85% plus in every examination.

  15. I would like to improve on my creativity and essay writing. I feel like i am too restricted when writing essays and I think it would be better to write one with an open mind. Most of all I would like to improve my marks like the 90s range. I also need to improve my handwriting. (Y)

  16. This year I'd like to improve my ranks to hopefully move back to the B class. Last year I was disappointed with my marks and felt I could've put in much more effort. I would like to prepare myself this year for the HSC and have a good work ethic and routine. I would like to finish the year putting in as much effort as I can.

  17. This year I would like to work to the best of my abilities and further improve in my understanding of English.

  18. I am aiming to get into the A class for next year so I can be at the top end of learning for my HSC. My brothers have also left me their shoes and I intend to grow out of them.

  19. This year I would like to try my hardest to achieve satisfying marks that would hopefully place in the top 50s and increase my chances of being in the scholars class next year. I would also like to improve my vocabulary and writing, which would hopefully set me up for year 11 and the HSC.

  20. I would like to improve my writing skills and my understanding of the English Language. I would also like to do well, to be able to pass my exams, get a good job and help the people In Kenya (Africa) to get a good education and help people who have close to nothing. Lastly I would like to make my parents proud because I know how much of a sacrifice they are making.
