Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mike Z's Deane Paragraph

With a couple of minor changes, please read Mike's Deane paragraph. Very clever. See how instead of writing a whole paragraph about context, he actually incorporates it into the paragraph itself? Adds a level of cleverosity...


Sir William Deane’s phlegmatic[T1]  tone encourages those affected to be amalgamated in their unity. Deane is concise and perspicuous, ensuring the audience is kept in captivation and is left with a positive elucidation. Deane advocates unity between those affected by the tragedy, quoting John Donne, a prominent writer of Literature, “As John Donne wrote, no man is an island. Anyone’s death diminishes us all because we are all involved in humanity.” This personification involves all of the audience and embroils them all in humanity, thereby unifying them. Through[T2]  the juxtaposition, “ Australia and Switzerland are on opposite sides of the globe…bring our countries closer together,” Deane contrasts the countries as being opposite to each other, yet the commonality of lives being lost brings them together, furthering[T3]  John Donne’s quote. William Deane’s speech is more relevant to us today than when it was made, as more Australians are travelling overseas more than ever before and the probability of something like this incident happening is more likely. Deane’s discourse can be paralleled to Paul Keating and Anwar Sadat’s, as they all speak in the name of those who have died and seek to aid the situation. In Sadat’s case he aspires to end the conflict and therefore prevent lives being lost and also talks about those who died. Deane and Keating both seek to leave those related to the victims at peace and to mourn their loss[T4] .

 [T1]I know what you mean by this BUT phlegmatic – as a word – has connotations that he was unemotional. He was far from that. In fact, it was his calm yet emotional manner that made the speech all the more poignant.

 [T2]Two good points here.


 [T4]Good points.


Well done, Mike.

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