Saturday, October 22, 2011

Simon's Keating Paragraph

Have a read of how Simon has used his well-chosen quotes to weave a paragraph around the Keating speech...


The “Unknown Soldier” represents all those soldiers that went to war and lost their lives fighting for their country. Paul Keating’s emotional speech on this offered a sense of closure, appealing to the many families that lost someone due to the war. Keating speaks of uniting as a country and honouring these men. He uses juxtaposition to essentially contrast what Australia got out of the war, and what was lost. “We have lost more than 100,000 lives and with them all their love of this country and all their hope and energy…we have gained a legend…a deeper understanding of what it is to be Australian.” Keating is directly engaging all Australians and reflecting upon patriotism, furthermore, he is uniting the audience and instilling pride and passion within them for their country. He promotes a higher sense of unity in the audience by using colloquial language to appeal to what it means to be Australian, and the legend the war heroes created. “To endure hardship, to show courage, to be bold as well as resilient, to believe in ourselves and to stick together,” is the language Keating uses to achieve this sense of patriotism. His speech is still convincing today because it typically refers to peace, and with the world that we live in, many people can relate to this theme. The speech is a constant reminder of the immense costs of war.


It's not a perfect paragraph but it gives some of you an example of how to structure your body paragraphs. Well done, Simon.


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