Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week Three and a bird

Week 3 Essay Topic

You will note how the previous essay topic is designed around unity - a thematic essay. Now we need to ensure that you have an understanding of audience.

"A truly eternal speech must use clever techniques and devices to ensure it appeals not only to the audience at the time, but also for audiences in the future."

Discuss this statement with reference to the speeches of Aung San Suu Kyi and Anwar Sadat.


1 comment:

  1. “Lord Buddha…did not want human beings to live in silence” This religious allusion highlights one of many key techniques used by Aung San Suu Kyi and Anwar Sadat in order for the speech to appeal to both its intended audiences, modern audiences as well as audiences well into the future. In order for both Aung San Suu Kyi and Anwar Sadat to accomplish there goals it was imperative that their speeches were not only well received by the initial audience but also audiences well into the future. If Anwar Sadat was two succeed in his endeavor to create permanent peace based on justice it was essential that he used numerous clever techniques and devices in order to achieve his goal. Aung San Suu Kyi used numerous Techniques both simple and complex in order to establish eternal equality for women. Without the clever techneques and device used extensively by Anwar Sadat and Aung San Suu Kyi the speeches made by both would have merely appealed to the Audiences of the time and would barely appeal to any audience in the future.
    Anwar Sadat’s attempt to not only create temporary peace but to establish permanent peace based on justice made it vital for him to cleverly use techniques throughout his speech. “It is not my battle alone, nor is it the battle of leadership in Israel alone. It is the battle of all.” Sadat cleverly uses war imagery near the climax of the speech to get his point across that in order to achieve peace everyone must fight against extremist groups who despise of peace as it only takes one person to destroy the great opportunity of finally making peace between two nations with a battle torn history. “Why don’t we believe in the wisdom of god conveyed to us by the proverbs of Solomon?” This biblical allusion is used by Sadat to appeal to people’s faith to help strengthen his argument and also to unify Muslims, Christians and Jews as religion is the main reason for all the wars which in effect makes all audiences wonder why they are fighting.
    In 1995, a time when many countries around the world including Burma had very little if not no women’s rights Aung San Suu Kyi had to write a speech that appealed to both the audiences of its time and audiences of the future in order for her to succeed in her endeavor to achieve equality amongst both men and women. “wonderful…greatest concourse of women that has ever gathered on our planet…splendid diversity” this positive emotive language is used by Aung San Suu Kyi to set a positive tone and a positive outlook for gender equality. In addition it also serves as a way to thank and congratulate all women present. “war toys of grown men” this short, negative, effective quote compares through sarcasm and irony the behavior of men to little boys with toys who struggle to understand their power and abuse it for all the wrong reasons.
    It can be seen therefore that two great eternal speeches by both Aung San Suu Kyi and Anwar Sadat are made extremely appealing to both audience’s of their time and now and will continue to interest people well into the future because of the cleverly used techniques and devices used by both to help effectively portray their message and to achieve their goals of achieving permanent peace and creating equality for women.
