Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vidu's Sadat Paragraph

There are some changes I've made but this is a very good example of how the 'P' and 'A' of GOPAL have been facilitated cleverly by Vidu to hold a cogent and persuasive argument regarding Sadat...well done, Vidu!


Anwar Sadat conveys unity predominantly through interactivity with the Israeli audience, impacting and engaging the audience of the Knesset, by using commonly believed justifications to back up his argument, and by instilling a sense of immediacy. Sadat uses the imperative and the second person “You, bewailing mother, you, widowed wife; you, the son who lost a brother or a father; you, all victims or wars” to interact with the audience and convey a sense of immediacy, the imagery sorrow [T1] is evident and through the repetition of “you” it is evident that Sadat is emphasizing that all have lost something in war. Imagery and accumulation such as “the plight of bloodshed, death, orphans, widowhood, family disintegration and the wailing of victims”  impact the beliefs held by the Israeli Knesset of warring, and highlights that warring has effectively hurt both the Israelis and the Arabs in numerous way. Through the use of biblical allusion “Gods teachings and commandments are love, sincerity, purity and peace” Sadat sets about justifying the necessity for peaceful unity through quoting the teaching of God, a figure that is central to both Israelis and Arabs beliefs irrespective of religion.

 [T1]sorrowful imagery


1 comment:

  1. I've been a lazy little sh!t lately in regards to english but this is a really good bit of work. It's particularly good that the explanation is directly with the quote, unlike some convoluted bits of work i've seen in the past (not necessarily from our class).
