Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Conventions of Fantasy - Stravaganza


We've done the themes, you know them well.

We've done the characters, you know them well.

Now it's time to loop back to our original discussion about Mary Hoffman's fine novel.

Your exercise - due period 6 (which we actually have period 4, due to Corps), is to create an information-packed A3 poster that uses 'P-S-Q-C-C-L-M' to show how Stravaganza follows the conventions of the Fantasy genre.

You should design your poster on the computer (using Word or some similar program) and then print it out at school on Monday (we will have Friday's and Monday's lesson to complete it).

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU FIND QUOTES THAT SUPPORT EACH LETTER. (eg - Plot, Setting, The Quest, Conflict, Characters, Language and Magic)

So, your finished product will have 1/2 quotes for each letter.

Make it look colourful, amazing - winner gets Maccas...struth...I'm going to go broke!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Portfolio - Tension and Anticipation


Tension is something that most writers attempt to master. They do this to ensure the reader continues their text all the way to the end.

How do we create tension?

The simplest way is by short sentences and clever word choice.

1. Think of an experience that has scared or shocked you.
2. Try to explain a portion of that experience (the most tense bit) and grip us - don't let us go!

200 words

Two questions for 'Mending Wall'


As promised, excuse the delay...

1. What is the seasonal imagery used in Mending Wall and how do these differ from the seasonal imagery in 'The Road Not Taken', 'Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening' AND 'On a Tree Fallen Across The Road'?

2. What do you think Frost is saying about the differences between the persona and the neighbour?

Post it up ASAP


Monday, February 11, 2013

Portfolio - Character Description

Year 9, 

Have a look at the images of your assessment task. See the old man with the hood? There is something about his face - his eyes, his lined cheeks, his beard, his bony fingers and his look of anger (or is it? Maybe it's calmness, contentedness, confusion, tiredness) that really says something to the viewer.

For our first exercise, your task is to find, on the Internet, a photo of an intriguing character that  you are able to describe in 200 words.

Remember - a descriptive piece of writing MUST include adjectives, emotive language, the five senses and imagery (along with other language techniques) to make your piece of writing stand out.

You do not want to simply achieve 12/20. Aim for 20/20.

By aiming for the moon, you will at least hit some stars...


Thursday, February 07, 2013

Themes We Meet...

Morning 8B...

Today (and over the weekend, we are going to be doing some work in pairs on the themes that we have found in the first four chapters.

So, up to (and including p.75) work with the student next to you to find examples of the following themes:

Family Love
Good vs Evil

Are there any other themes you think we should be looking at?

Do the work in your books to start, then post your finished responses on the weekend BEFORE our next lesson.


Wednesday, February 06, 2013

A fraz late, eh?

Year 10 Gents,

Apologies for the delay, went to Julian's book launch - what a fine achievement for a fine young man.

The question from class today is as follows.

How does the context of Golding's life lay the platform for his choice of setting? Additionally, how does his use of symbolism exacerbate the comments he makes about the human condition?

I'll give you some class time to complete this and I'll have a go at doing it with you.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

'Out Out' Analysis

Year 11 Gents,

Using TREMTITT as your 'spine', analyse in 500 words Robert Frost's 'Out, Out'.

Remember, incorporate quotes (without using the words 'this quote shows') and techniques (and explaining what effect the technique has.


Monday, February 04, 2013

On today's chapter (and the prologue)...

Afternoon 8B,

Your homework (to be posted in the comments section of this post) is the following:

1. How does Hoffman create suspense and intrigue in the prologue and chapter 1 of the text? Include quotes. (200 words)

2. What specific examples (quotes) from the same section indicated to you that is was a fantasy novel? (100 words)

To be completed by tomorrow (Wednesday), period 5.


The Wall

After reading Zable's 'The Wall', find five examples of imagery, language techniques or descriptive language that you believe stands out for you.

In your response, LIST the examples with quotation marks first, THEN explain briefly for each one WHY it stands out.

Basically, I'm trying to ascertain what interests you in a piece of writing that you may otherwise find a little dull!


Sunday, February 03, 2013

Road Not Taken Analysis

How does Frost explore the concept of life choices and their effect on us? 

400 words.


TO be completed and posted by period 1, Wednesday. We will be reading through them ALL that period.

Good luck!

Friday, February 01, 2013

Your 2013

Morning Gents,

I'd like you to log here what it is you'd like to achieve in English this year.

Whether it is achieving a higher ranking than last year or whether you have something specific you'd like to improve in, I'd like to be able to re-visit this at the year's end and see if we've achieved our aims.

Please also remember what I said yesterday. We have a very large class this year and you all have the ability to be ranked higher than you are. Let's work together in all aspects to achieve this. To do so is going to require a level of maturity - I need you all to listen to my words. You have two ears and one mouth. Listen twice as much as you speak!

Happy Wet Weekend,


What do you hope to achieve this year in English?

Morning Gents,

I'd like you to log here what it is you'd like to achieve in English this year.

Whether it is achieving a higher ranking than last year or whether you have something specific you'd like to improve in, I'd like to be able to re-visit this at the year's end and see if we've achieved our aims.

Happy Wet Weekend,