Friday, February 01, 2013

Your 2013

Morning Gents,

I'd like you to log here what it is you'd like to achieve in English this year.

Whether it is achieving a higher ranking than last year or whether you have something specific you'd like to improve in, I'd like to be able to re-visit this at the year's end and see if we've achieved our aims.

Please also remember what I said yesterday. We have a very large class this year and you all have the ability to be ranked higher than you are. Let's work together in all aspects to achieve this. To do so is going to require a level of maturity - I need you all to listen to my words. You have two ears and one mouth. Listen twice as much as you speak!

Happy Wet Weekend,



  1. I just want to get a better rank so that I can get back up to the B class and just to put more effort into English so that I can achieve this.

  2. I just want to achieve my very best, get back into scholars A, and get good results.

  3. To go to my highest potential in terms of effort and ranking

  4. Reach the height of my ability and to move up till there are no more obstacles.

  5. I just want to finish my English course for year 8 on a high level with plenty of knowledge dug into my mind to help me in the future.

  6. I want to reach my full potential and get back up to the Scholars A class next year.

  7. I would love to reach the top class in english and stay there for my years to come. For a working subject, english is by far my favourite and if i had to choose a job to do with any subject it would definitely be english, because i love it and i'm good at it.

  8. Aidan Butterfield1 February 2013 at 22:50

    I want to feel as though I have improved on what I accomplished last year. It would be good to know that I have done everything I can.

  9. I would like to reach my full potential in my English endeavour this year. I would also like to reward my parents for sending me to such a school as this one.

  10. I want to achieve the highest I possibly can, and put it in as much effort as I can, so I can improve my skills and brains and also to make my parents proud of the effort I put in, as they deserve the best I can give them for sending me to such a priveleged and expensive school.

  11. I want to achieve my very best and bring the best out of myself. I would also like to get into scholars A next year.

  12. I want to grap hold of the opportunities that tks has to offer and make the most of the time this year. I want to do my best throughout the year 2013!

  13. I would like to reach my full potential this year at TKS and do the best I can. I also want to get into A scholars next year.

  14. I personally want to set myself up of the best possible future I can. Yet with that I want to have fun while achieving this goal. Also I want to perform at my maximum capacity so I can do the best I can at school and see where I get myself. I am not only doing this for myself but for my mum and dad because of the huge sacrifice they have made to send me to this school. I don’t want to disappoint anyone so I want to achieve the best.

  15. I would like to get into A next year so that I can impress my parents.

  16. This year I would like to perform to the best of my ability and achieve the best results possible. Also I would like to take as much as I can out of the year that can be used in the future

  17. My goal this year is to improve my reading skills in remembering keys things in the book. I would also like to improve my ranking as last year I was 17th and had a great chance in getting into scholars A. But towards the end of the year my ranking dropped to 40th. This year would be a great chance to improve my ranking and impress my parents.

  18. Methila Nanayakkara2 February 2013 at 17:00

    I would like to reach my full potential and try lifting my rank in English. I love English so if I put 110% in I am sure I can achieve my goal!

  19. I was very surprised when i found out that I was in a B class so my goal for this year would have to be to maintain my ranking or even go higher.

  20. I would like to learn more about the subject English and all of the skills that it requires, as it is a base for many other subjects and has to be done for the HSC.

  21. I want to achieve my highest potential and have an easier understanding of English.

  22. all im thinking of this year is to not get dropped, plain and simple

  23. This year, i would love to achieve above 60-70% in all of my exams. I want to begin to understand our language in more depth, and use more useful words.

  24. This year, I hope to improve my attitude towards english, and achieve 90%+

  25. I want to be able to say I’m happy with how I went at the end of the year and learn to write with a larger vocabulary.

  26. Dear Mr Symons,

    Have you posted the conventions question yet?

    Thank you,

    Ben Zhang

  27. Stravaganza ad hears to the conventions of fantasy as most conventions agree with stravaganza. In the plot Stravaganza oboes the genre as the major events could not happen according to science today such as stravagating scientists know that we cannot stravagate at a current time. Stravaganza also has a setting in 1500 which agrees with the conventions. Lucien accidently stravigates but then when he realises he can do it he tries to uncover the mystery of Dr Deathridge to find him That is the quest. The names of places in Stravaganza are all fantasy words such as Bellezza and Di Chimici.

  28. The Plot: A young boy named Lucien suffers from cancer and is in his death bed, but receives a note book talisman from his father, which he uses to stravagate (Time-travel) between 16th century Venice and modern day London.

    Setting: The novel is set between modern day London and 16th century Venice, which in this novel, is called Bellezza, and its surrounding islands and nations.

    The Quest: At the beginning of the book, there is not much of a quest, as he is on his death bed at home. Late on however, he learns that in 16th century Venice, a threat is forming upon Belleza, the Di Chimichi, a large royal family, wants to take control of Belleza, and Luci(e/a)n(o) must help stop them.

    Conflict: Lucien prevents conflict between his two worlds by stravagating back into his home world before the morning, and the suspicion from his parents that he might be dead.

    Language: Mary Hoffman uses English and none else in this novel.

    Magic and Spells: No magic or spells are used except Rodolfo’s slight alchemy and stravagation.

  29. The stravaganza city of masks adheres to conventions of the fantasy genre perfectly, this is shown by the plot, the major events couldn’t have happened according to science as we know it today such as the travelling between the different worlds and the setting is based in the past and the place is mildly unrealistic plus it does have similarities with the real world, all this is shown in the setting of the Venice like town of bellezza. The quest doesn’t quite adhere to the guidelines of the fantasy genre as the main character isn’t seeking out to find something, he is more trying to figure out how he happened to stumble upon this new world and too take down the Di chimichi family. However the conflict does fit in with the fantasy genre as they do use magic and other impossible strategies to resolve conflict. The character aspect of the fantasy genre fits right in with stravaganza as the characters are fictional but they do act in ways that make sense in a fantasy situation, and the last part of the fantasy genre is the use of magic and spells which is definitely shown in the stravaganza city of masks. The stravaganza city of masks definitely follows the strict guidelines of the fantasy genre and fits in with all the other fantasy books

  30. This book stravaganza adhears to the conventions of fantasy throughout. Mary Hoffman uses the conventions all in different ways. The main plot involves a boy from modern day London called Lucien he accidently time travels to a different era the 1600 and there he goes in his dreams at night using his time travelling device (The Talisman) this point coincides with the conventions of fantasy.

  31. Stravaganza adheres to the convention of fantasy genre firstly by creating a gripping setting, plot, characterisation and language. Although they are fantasy they have been modified to portray that of modern day, allowing the reader to relate to the novel. A use of magic in the form of stravagating has been used to adhere to the fantasy genre. The time travelling and changing of setting shows us deeper what the characters really are and how they fill a part in the fantasy. Stravaganza certainly adheres to the conventions of fantasy genre.

  32. How does Stravaganza adhere to the conventions of the fantasy genre?
    The plot clearly has no relation to the science of the world we know today. Stravagating and time travel has not yet been discovered, even though some aspects and parts of the book are in our modern day, such as the half of where we hear about Lucien’s life.
    The setting is both in Talia, and our modern day. Talia is not completely alien to us though, because it is based off 16th century Italy. The modern day parts of the book are something that we could relate to, telling us about his schooling life before the cancer.
    Although Luciano does not set out on any major quests, he does in some way have smaller ones, such as trying to find William Dethridge and his lessons with Rodolfo. He does however, constantly have to worry about finding a path back home.
    The conflicts that happen in the story between the Di Chimici family and the Duchessa are frequently discussed throughout the book, and the schemes that they plan to overthrow the Duchessa to gain control over Talia.
    The characters are quite different and interesting, as we begin to know them better throughout the book. We learn that the Duchessa, such a powerful and demanding person, turns out to be (spoiler alert) Arianna’s biological mother, and Roldofo being her father.
    There are many uses of magic and spells, the largest being the Stravagating back and forth from our universe to theirs. As we read more, we begin to learn more about it, the limits and laws of it. The original being William Dethridge, who stravagated during a alchemy accident. Also, Rodolfo used magic mirrors to tell what was going on in Talia.
    There are clearly many aspects of the Fantasy Genre featured in Stravaganza, with all of the criteria listed in it.

  33. How does Stravaganza adhere to the conventions of the fantasy genre?

    Plot- In this book time travel has been used but in reality according to science this is not possible as Lucien travels from London to his dream world Belleza in night. And when he travels there is a dead body on his bed, but when he returns his body becomes alive.
    Setting- In Stravaganza in the present time Lucien is in his bed in London, but in the night he travels to the past to his dream world which he calls “Belleza”. As we know this unknown place called “Belleza” is unrealistic as there are magic spells used and people who are called mandoliers(people who row boats). Although there are some similarities in Belleza compared to the present world.
    The Quest- In this book when Lucien arrives in Belleza he dosen`t really set a quest to find something, he actually starts to figure out why he arrived in this Belleza. During the book Lucien faces many dangers when Enrico tries to find a way to use Lucien to kill the Duchessa.
    Characters-The characters in this story are definitely fictional but act in ways that make sense in a fantasy situation. Like Rodolfo he acts in many ways that make this book sound fun and interesting but at the same time he is fictional. Another example Arianna, and how she dresses up as a boy in the beginning of the book and Lucien stuffs up Arianna`s chance of becoming a mandolier.
    Language-There are different types of language techniques in this book. For example how Doctor Dethridge speaks he always has a funny accent and sometimes impossible to understand. Aside from that there are a lot of descriptive and unusual words used in this book which gives a sense to the reader that these words don’t make any sense to them.
    Use of magic and spells-Many times in this book magic and spells have been used in different situations and instances. For example a basic situation where magic is used, is when Lucien arrives to Belleza somehow and returns to London in present time morning. Spells in this book have been used to trick people into doing things which including murdering people.

  34. Stravaganza adheres to the genre of fantasy as most things found in the novel are scientifically impossible. The fact that time travel occurs in this novel automatically tells us that it is a science-fiction story and since many things are more supernatural occurrences in the story we are forced to assume that it is a fantasy story e.g. a whisper into a horses ear that makes it go faster, mirrors like security cameras and many other strange things.

  35. And this is a bit late but...

    My goal this year is to achieve high marks and remain in the same class. The fact that I come from a family of scholars puts some pressure on me and to get high marks, equivalent to theirs, drives me.

  36. The fantasy book Stravaganza: city of masks, is able to adhere to the traditional genre of fantasy by agreeing with the conventions of fantasy and therefore giving the book the intended feel of a fantasy novel. The conventions are portrayed throughout the book and all stick to the conventions for a fantasy novel. The plot convention for a fantasy novel is that the major events could not happen according to science. We can observe this throughout the entire book through the use of Stravagation- the science which allows stravaganti to travel between two worlds. The setting concurs with the convention because it is set in the past in the 1600’s at Bellezza (modern day venice). This also has similarities to the real world because Bellezza and Venice are very similar as we can see when Lucien (protagonist) explores Venice in comparison to Bellezza. The ‘Quest’ for Lucien (Luciano) is for him to learn more about the rare science stravagation where he can travel through time. This adheres to the conventions and recognises the fact that there is both information learnt and her travels through time. The main conflict that arises is the Di Chimici plotting to kill Silvia (The Duchessa) but is resolved through the use of Arianna, whom is the daughter of Silvia and using this impossible strategy elect her to power. Mary Hoffman has used English, but also weaved in the use of ‘Talian’. This is the language used in Talia and Lucien is able to speak it because of an immediate translation from English to Talian. The book itself revolves around spells and magic and it is through this that we learn more about the unique ability Stravagation. It is through these reasons that I believe that Stravaganza: the city of masks is able to adhere with the conventions of a fantasy genre.

  37. The novel Stravaganza adheres to the conventions of the fantasy genre by following seven key aspects: The plot, setting, quest, conflict, characters, language and use of magic and spells.
    Stravaganza contains these key elements to be classified as a fantasy genre. Firstly, the plot of the book Stravaganza is located between modern day England and an alternate version of Italy some 500 years ago known as Talia. The main character, Lucien, who is a cancer-ridden child in England, can use a talisman to ‘stravagate’ between places through space and time. From this we can tell that the plot is fictional and can no way be able to exist in real life.
    Secondly, the setting focuses on modern day England and a fictional country known as Talia. Talia has never been an actual country, or even called one in history, so from this we can tell that the country Talia is fictional.
    The Quest in this novel is to find a way to master the profession of ‘stravagating’ and keep away from the novel’s antagonists, the Di Chimici.
    Some of the conflict in the novel includes some run-ins between the Di Chimici and Lucien, where at one point the talisman gets taken away from him and thus preventing him to stravagate back to his real home in modern day England.
    The characters are fictional, with no relation to any historical figures; however they are made to allow the reader to make sense of the situation and relate that to anybody in mind.
    The language that the novel uses tells us that the storyline is fictional, with words such as ‘stravagate’, ‘stravagante’ and ‘stravagating’ all made up to add some fantasy in the book, while still giving the reader some sense as to what ‘stravagate’ might mean within the storyline of the novel.
    Finally, the use of magic and spells in the book is not seen everywhere throughout the book, however the talisman that Lucien uses to ‘stravagate’ between worlds is more than enough to call it magic, as it allows the holder to move through time and space, a device which has not been invented in our time.
    The book ‘Stravaganza’ has successfully fulfilled the seven conventions of a fantasy genre, and thus allowing it to be listed under the fantasy genre.

  38. The fantasy novel Stravaganza: City of Masks by Mary Hoffman clearly adheres to the general conventions of the Fantasy Genre.
    Plot – As we know (well, most of us), Stravaganza is based around the idea of stravagation – in other words, travelling through time and space from one world to another. This is accomplished by using a talisman from the other land. As we know today, there is no ‘other land’ that we can magically ‘teleport’ to with modern day science.
    Setting – The main character, Lucien, travels to a 16th century parallel world known as Talia in the city of Bellezza, which is based on the idea of Venice. The setting is almost exactly the same to what Venice might have been in the 16th century in our world, however most of the names have been altered.
    The Quest – The hero in stravaganza – Lucien is never set on any particular ‘main quest’ in the book. However is role in Talia and Bellezza becomes apparent over the course of the book.
    Conflict – Though Lucien himself is not directly involved with the ongoing conflict at the start of the book, he eventually takes his sides against the di Chimi who are trying to take over Bellezza
    Charaters – All the characters in the book are fictional but are still important in the story. For example without Rodolfo or Dethridge – the 2 stravaganti, there will be no bases behind stravagation.
    Language – In the book Mary Hoffman creates a new language similar to Italian to suit the setting of the novel. However, none of these words were ever mentioned in the book as Lucien had somehow already ‘known the language’
    Magic and Spells – The whole idea of stravagation is some sort of magic in our eyes. There is simply no way to teleport from one dimension to another simply by holding an object from the other world.
    As you can see the novel Stravaganza: City of Masks has fulfilled all the general conventions for the fantasy genre.

  39. Methila Nanayakkara4 February 2013 at 02:39

    Stravaganza is a novel which agrees to the conventions of a fairy tale giving it a intended feeling of fantasy. Mary Hoffman has used time travelling and spells as her fantasy assistance tools! The story is based on Lucien, who is the protagonist of the story, who in real life is suffering from a cancer. He gets chemotherapy done though there are after effects like dry throat. His father gets him a notebook from the trash near his home so that he can communicate without talking. Strangely when he falls asleep, he gets transported to the 1600 to Italy, Talia. He confronts many dangers and suddenly feels more vulnerable in Belleza than his actual home. Obviously this plot is scientifically unrealistic because of the time travelling aspect and the fact he is a person from the 21st century when his enemy who are the De Chimichi family are from the 1600.Secondly the setting is at modern day England and a country known as Talia which illustrates to us the fact that it is a fairy tale. Next point is the quest well Lucians quest is to master stravaganting and avoid the De Chimici’s. The story is a rollercoaster with many encounters of friends and enemies which make the story much more interesting. Fourthly is whether the book has conflicts which include using magical or impossible strategizes. One of the conflicts are when Lucien gets captured and plundered by De Chimici, therefore stopping his ride back home but in which luckily Rodolfo had a tricky plan. Obviously the language is to some extent fictional although the writer has written this book mostly in a style which uses mostly normal language. The book proves to be fictional by the use of the word stravagante in which if you search up on the dictionary would not come up as a word meaning anything. Well the spells that the previous, previous stravagante, William Dethridge used was to turn copper into gold. Although it was not was not worth as much in Talia. These are the kind of main components that slightly or obviously hints that this book is fiction!This book has definetly fulfilled the seven conventions of a fantasy story therefore proving it is a fantasy story.

  40. Stravaganza the city of masks adheres to the conventions of the fantasy genre.

    The plot: Lucien is a boy who is suffering from cancer, but when his father brings in a notebook for Lucien, that night he is transported through time and space to Bellezza, which is modern day Venice. Lucien (Luciano in Bellezza), is then trained to be a stravagante, with the help from Rodolfo.

    Setting: The novel is set both in modern day London, and 16th Century Venice (Bellezza), along with the towns and islands around Bellezza.

    Quest: As the story progresses, Luciano/Lucien is given a quest to help prevent the Di Chimici family from assasinating the duchessa, and taking over Bellezza, while making sure Di Chimici doesn't get his hands on a talisman.

    Conflict: Lucien uses his talisman to travel back and forth between London, and Bellezza to help fight against the threat the Di Chimici pose, whilst making sure he transports back to London so that his parents don't worry about him not waking up.

    Language: There is not much use of different languages other than english, although Lucien's name changes to Luciano.

    Use of Magic an Spells: Lucien and Rodolfo use their talismans, and Rodolo uses alchemy.

  41. Stravaganza: City of Masks adheres to the criteria of the fantasy genre with the seven major aspects of the fantasy genre.
    The major events in the book is not possible according to the science we know of today. It might well be possible as our science advances, but, for now, it is impossible. Stravagating and mirrors that act as an eye in the sky are not possible. This adheres with the guidelines of the fantasy genre.
    This book is half based in England, a real location, and half based in Bellezza, in a parallel world. Bellezza is the parallel version of 1600s Venice. Its time is different to our time, meaning one year in their world equals nearly seventeen years in our world. In their world, silver doesn’t tarnish while gold does, the opposite of our world. This adheres to the guideline of the fantasy genre, as the parallel world is unrealistic, but has many elements in it that strongly resemble those of our world.
    The main character, Lucien or ‘Luciano’, actually accidentally stravagates into the parallel world by his talisman, the book, meaning that he wasn’t on some quest. On is adventures, he does many things, such as rescuing the Duchessa, Silvia, the ruler of Bellezza, having lessons with the scientist/magician Rodolfo, the Duchessa’s secret husband and father (though he never knew he was until he was told) of Arianna, Lucien’s best friend, locating and aiding, with Rodolfo, the first Stravagante, Doctor William Dethridge, who is from our world and frequently thwarting the diabolical plans of the infamous Di Chimici family. There is no solid purposeful quest in the book, more of an coincidental achievement of a unplanned quest, meaning it does follow the guidelines of the fantasy genre, but the quest in this book is quite murky and not planned and structured.
    There is some conflict in this book between the Di Chimici against the Duchessa and her close group of trusted friends, but they use minimal magic and plausible strategies to win. This aspect of fantasy sticks to the guidelines of the fantasy genre.
    The characters are fictional, but they are quite realistic and do not have any supernatural powers or the like. Their character and personality are normal and are not exaggerated. This aspect also goes with the fantasy genre guidelines.
    There is no made up language in this book, but there is old English, which at times may be confusing. There is also use of Italian words, which may be hard to pronounce for a person who does not speak Italian. This sticks with the fantasy genre guidelines.
    Most situations are not resolved using magic or any other supernatural means, but rather with ordinary means. Situations such as finding Doctor Dethridge use magical and normal means, with physically searching a city to find him, as well as hoping to ‘sense’ his presence. This also goes with the guideline of the fantasy genre.

  42. This year I would like to keep improving my marks and impress my parents to show them how grateful I am.

  43. Stravaganza adheres to the genre of fantasy as things found in the novel are, for the most part, scientifically impossible. It also uses many fictional places that are derivatives of real places in modern time. Stravaganza is linked with supernatural themes as well as having

  44. Stravaganza: City of Masks adheres to the genre of fantasy, as it fits in with all of the criteria of the genre. Firstly, the plot and major events in Stravaganza could not happen according to what is possible today in 2013. It is based in the past, and has many similarities between the real world, as everywhere in Talia has a parallel place in our country of Italy, such as Bellezza and Venice. In Stravaganza, there is not as much one major quest, but many minor ones, which all lead to the topic of Lucien finding out more about Talia and stopping the di Chimichi. Lucien in the end does end successfully, other than the fact that he loses his body in modern day London to cancer. All of the characters from Bellezza are similar in character to people from London, although their names are very strange and fictional. And lastly, the use of magic, or stravagating as it is called in the novel, is very commonly used in the book.

  45. Aidan Butterfield5 February 2013 at 00:15

    The novel Stravaganza: The City of Masks adheres to all conventions of the fantasy genre.

    The plot: Lucien is a 16 year old who is bed-ridden with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, and then his dad finds a notebook and reads a story about Venice. During his sleep he wakes up in a city called Bellezza, and he learns different things and meets new people along the way and practices the art of Stravagation from his mentor Rodolfo.

    Setting: This novel is set in 16th century Venice, which is called Bellezza in the novel. It is also set somewhere in England during parts of the novel.

    The Quest: The quest of this book is to master the art of Stravagation and save Bellezza from being taken over by the Di Chimici family who want to make it part of their republic. They are preventing the Di Chimici from obtaining a talisman which can transport them between worlds.

    Conflict: Lucien transports between the two worlds in the book, which leaves him unconsious in whichever one he is idle in. He has to time when he gets back so that his parents dont freak out due to his illness, but however that is his downfall in the end. He also has to help the Duchessa in the quest to defeat the Di Chimici.

    Language: The language used in Bellezza is some form of Italian.

    Magic: The magic used in this book is the ability to teleport through and between worlds.

  46. Stravaganza adheres to the many different criteria of fantasy novels. Using a fantastic world, Lucien stravagates to a parallel dimension using a talisman, which is clearly, as we know it, scientifically impossible.Further on Lucien finds himself in multiple quests (another criteria of fantasy novels) such as trying to overcome cancer, help Bellezza from the Di Chimici family from taking over. After the book takes a series of sudden turns, the crisis is averted. The antagonists are embarrassed and all is good. In many ways Bellezza is similar to the real venice and this helps us relate to Mary Hoffman's novel, also help her novel maintain a high level of sense. Magic plays a part in the novel, (stravaganting)following another criteria of fantasy. Overall Mary Hoffman's book follows the criteria of fantasy superbly.
