Sunday, February 03, 2013

Road Not Taken Analysis

How does Frost explore the concept of life choices and their effect on us? 

400 words.


TO be completed and posted by period 1, Wednesday. We will be reading through them ALL that period.

Good luck!


  1. Robert Frost explores the concept of Lifes choices and their effect on us by using an extended metaphore and presenting it to the responder in the form of a poem. The poem uses a diverse range of techniques such as imagery and rhythm. These techniques lead our mind into seeing life as a road and the choices we make split up into two paths. Frost describes the feeling of choosing one path in his own personal context in order for him to get show how he feels about taking a path. Whether we know that Frost has taken the right path or that he is happy that he has taken the path is unknown as this poem is very ambiguous and we do not know what the resulting mood is.

    In the first stanza Frost states that he is passing through a “Yellow wood”. This suggests that the time of year is autumn, that suggests the theme of change and new life. The same way we can describe the nature of autumn.
    In the second line of the first stanza, Frost states “Sorry, I could not travel both”. This suggests that Frost has come across a choice in his life and he frowns upon the fact that he can not explore both choices so that he could make the better one and also he can only take one path by stating “And be one traveler”.

    The second stanza shows how Frost decides the path that he will take. Frost describes that he takes the path which is much more appealing and the more easier path, this can be reffered to someone taking the easier choice in life because. Frost shows that the path he takes is the easier choice in life by visually describing the aspects of the path as being “grassy and wanted wear” meaning that this path would be given more affection.

    Frost implies that he is still struggling to choose which path is the better one as he treats both paths equally “And both that morning equally lay”. This metaphoric allusion implies that frost is still yet stumbling upon which life choice he should take even though one of them seems more tempting. He still wishes to explore both paths by wanting to “Mark[ed] first for another day!” and wanting to come back so that he could explore

  2. the other path. Frost emphasizes his emotion towards this by using exclamatory language in the line. Although he wishes he could do this, he also has the fear of not wanting to come back as he comes across more and more paths, we see this in the third line of the third stanza “Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back”.

    In the last stanza Frost reveals his emotions towards choosing the other path. He doesn’t directly state whether he is feeling glad or feeling sorrow for the choice he has made as he tells this “with a sigh”. This is what make up the ambiguity of the poem itself as we can’t exactly predict the emotions of the poet at this time.
    He repeats that there were “Two roads diverged in a wood” to remind the responder that he was to take one of two choices. Using this repetition also increases the tension of the poem. Robert Frost then reveals that he had taken “The road less travelled by”. In other words, he states that he chooses the more difficult choice or the choice that isn’t taken by most people and he says “That has made all the difference”. With this statement we don’t yet know whether he the ‘difference’ is something positive or something negative. That would depend on the context in which the responder would read the poem in.

    Frost leaves us with the cliff hanger so that the responder can reflect upon the poem and decide what kind of mood was being sett

    Frost leaves us with an ambiguous ending to show us a lesson that the choices we make in life may not always may or may not make a positive difference to our lives. Frost strongly explores the mood of struggle and tension of a person when they are in the situation of making a life choice, He accomplishes this by using metaphors and using imagery techniques in the poem. The poetic sequence is broken up into for equal paragraphs to imply the fact that one choice will lead to another and each choice will lead to a series of events and the rhythm of the poem is very rhythmic as it gives off the mood of tranquility and peacefulness.

  3. Sorry i had to split my essay into 2 comments kuz it was twice the size it was supposed to be but IDGAF #YOLO

    1. Well Done
      Like it Thumbs up

    2. Very impressed with many parts of your essay, Danny.

      However, if we could keep the above acronyms out of the blog, I would most appreciative...



  4. In Robert Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken” the poem explains to the reader of how there are 2 paths, one that has no wear and another that has been travelled down many times before. This imagery shows the reader of how in life you will come across choices and that you must travel down one or the other. Frost also explains how the path that he chooses he wont be able another chance at that path and that the one he travels down is only one way. This reflects on how life's choices reflect sometimes to outcome of where and how we have got to today. Robert Frost also explains of how in the future he may reflect on the road he has taken and that he will sigh. This to the reader can mean anything form either it been a good choice and a sigh of relief and one of happiness or a sigh which is the indercation that the path he choose has taken him down a path in which he may have regretted. With this in mind Frost also reveals of how when he is making the choice of which path he must choose he thinks to himself of how he should not worry about the paths and just pick one and allow the changes to affect his life which is unavoidable.

    Robert Frost poem is a prefect reflection on lives choices, life will always throw up choices, sometimes you may know where that path will take you or the path may be a gamble and your future may lie in the hands of that path. I think what Robert Frost is trying to say is that life will throw up many choices with many different paths, and that we should embrace what the paths have to offer and cop whatever that path throws at us. It a perfect poem that can reflect on everybody's lives.

  5. Toby (donkey) Moore5 February 2013 at 01:02

    Robert frosts poem “the road not taken” explores the concept of choices and accepting the choice that he has made and living with the ramifications of that choice. Frost starts off saying, “ two words diverged into a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both” frost uses this quote as a extended metaphor for two choices that he has had to make in and that he wishes that he could take both options but he is unable to. He also uses seasonal imagery with the word yellow representing autumn, a peaceful time out of all the seasons. Rhythm is also used through the poem to set the flow and scene of it.

    The reader gets the idea that he is at a dilemma in the second paragraph when he states “because it was grassy and wanted wear” he uses imagery by making the path sound more inviting as the grass represent new life and something exciting. The ambiguous nature of this poem leaves the reader unsure of what the person wants out of these choices as it is unclear what or where the persona is going.

    The ambiguous nature is clear throughout the whole poem as he states “yet knowing how way leads to way, I doubted if I should ever come back” the emotive language in this quote helps show how important choices are and that once a choice is made the consequences of them will roll on and it is hard to turn back once a decision has been made.

    Furthermore when frost states “I shall be telling this with a sigh” the emotive language of this statement shows the hardship that he is going through to make this decision, as a sigh is the persona letting out the frustration of not being able to make a decision.

    Once again the ambiguous nature of the poem is asserted when he makes his decision by saying “ I took the road less traveled by, and that made all the difference” the tone of that is assertive showing that he is happy with the choice he made, although he is still unsure where this will lead him now he is happy where he is going.

  6. frosts poem the road not taken is a view of life choices and how they can have possible ramifications that we when choosing the decision, are yet to fully comprehend. the poem is rather ambiguous to the reader as we see through the language that frost uses which and the techniques in his poem “had worn them really about the same” in this quote we see the use of imagery to explain how the two paths are actually not that different in reality to the persona, further explaining how in life that not all choices are not black and white and how that some choices are not entirely different and a similar in some ways.

    although some choices at the time may look similar they can be completely different not only in the immediate future but in the distant future and can possibly lead to a completely different life “and that has made all the difference” through this quote frost has made a resolute statement, which is reaffirming the ambiguous nature of the poem, throughout the poem frost is ambiguous about his, although he does make it he states that he could possibly come back. this then contradicts the resolute statement that he has just made. because of this ambiguity throughout the poem, frost it stating the uncertain nature of life and how it be change by one “road”

    “i shall be telling this with a sigh” this quote from the poem is when frost is about to reveal the choice of which road to take, emotive language in this quote is used by frost to convey to the reader how he feels about the choice that he makes. although the “sigh” could have different potential meanings, the persona could be sighing out of regret as he regrets the decision that he has made again stating the ambiguity of the poem as it is a serene poem or possibly out of delight as he is content with the choice that he has made. when the persona reveals his decision “i took the road less travelled by”, this quote is relating to life in how he has chosen the not travelled by most but the one travelled by some. he made a decision, he did not take the easy route out but instead the one which requires more effort and sacrifice, “and that has made all the difference”

  7. In Robert Frosts Poem ‘The road not taken’ he expresses the view of life choices with an extended metaphor using two bush tracks as the hard and easy option in life.

    From the outset, Robert Frost presents us with the image of “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” this shows us that it is set in Autumn and this shows to us that Frost uses seasonal imagery to set the peaceful mood of the “yellow wood”.
    Furthermore Frost expresses that he is “sorry he could not travel both”, his emotive language showing that he would like to see where he would get in his life if he took the easier option rather than the hard one.

    We also see that the persona is scared and worried at what he will face around the corner in the hard decision, he uses the nature imagery again to express this, “to where it bent in the undergrowth”, showing that the hard path is dark, gloomy and the persona also doesn’t know what he is going to expect with the hard option.

    We are again shown that Frost uses nature imagery to show that not many people in life have taken the hard option, the hard option is explained as humanity frequently follow each other in their actions, yet Frost’s persona is keen to “make all the difference” and take the more difficult option.

    Frost uses repetition of way to show that no matter what options you choose in life the further you get into that path the further you get away from that other path you would have also liked to take. “Yet knowing how way leads onto way”. This quote also shows that the persona had high ambitions on coming back and having a go at that option but in the moment did not realize he would become very caught up in the path he has chosen.

    We also see that the persona did not realize that “way leads onto way” when later on in the poem he doubts his decision of which path he took “I shall be telling this with a sigh”, his emotive language showing us that the persona may regret his decision of what path he has taken.

  8. How does Frost explore the concept of life choices and their effect on us?

    In the poem “The Road not Taken”, Robert Frost explores the concept of life choices and the effect on us. He was able to convey the concept of life choices through language techniques such as first person, extension metaphor etc. Frost uses the imagery of two roads that show the life choices. He chose the less used road that was “trodden black” because he thought he would return one day. But he also realises that each decision will change his life. Frost also conveys that the choices that we make can lead us to further choices. He chose the less common road and “that has made all the difference”. So through Frost exploration and concept of life, the audience will learn that our life choices affect our lives for ever.

    Through the poem The Road not Taken, the tone is very much like he is telling a personal story or having a conversation to a friend. He begins with a calm statement of "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" and he says that he has to make a decision on which road he wants to take. The use of conversational tone portrays him telling this in the future as “I share be telling this with a sigh”. Frost has already made the choice, as he is looking back into the past to see the impact of his long ago decision. “Oh I kept the first for another day” shows ambiguity if the decision was right was wrong as this expression is in most of Frost poetry. Through this he is able to interact with the audience/reader while exploring the concept of life.

    The Road Not Taken uses first person words like "I" as it shows that the decision that he will make is personal. From his point of view it also may reflect Frost personal events that have happened in his life or from an older point of view.” I took the one less travelled by” shows how he reflects his life choices and how it affected him by taking the Road less taken. Through Frost history, it is shown that he did not have a good life for a few years as he helped his mother teach her class of unruly boys, delivering newspapers, and working in a factory as an arc light carbon filament changer. “Yet knowing how way leads to way” Frost took up being a poet with his first poem “Butterfly”. Through his personal experience Frost is able to explore the concept of life and the effect on him.

    Extended metaphor is an imagery that Frost uses throughout the poem. The imagery provides a basic image of what the poet is trying to convert to us. When “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” refers to the life decision that we may encounter as he did, when he took the job as a poet. Through this extended metaphor it makes the reader more engaged and make it much easier to visualise his journey with a situation that we may come across one day. Through Extended metaphor we are exploring the concept of life in a diffirent perspective.

    First Part

  9. Long sentences are used in the poem The Road Not Taken, so that the whole poem reflects the decision he’s made and his reflections about that choice, flow like a person telling of their choices. The decision he made took “and looked down ….. Bent in the undergrowth.” The use of long sentences in the poem dovetail itself with the exploration of life choices, as it lets your feelings sink into what the writer has written and reflects the choice that we have made or are going to make.

    This is not the case in the third stanza as the sentences are more disjointed, reflecting the hard decisions that he had made. “and both that morning equally lay” while the persona has to choose a decision between the “trodden black” or the laid out track. As the persona chooses a decision he “keeps the first for another day” as he also knows that “ways leads on to way”. Through these quotes we can conclude that choosing, and exploring the concept of life was not easy as he had to make a decision but never come back to it again as it might bring great sorrow or he shall “be telling this with a sigh”.

    The use of long sentences continues in the last stanza where he is reflecting at an older age at his “happiness” with the decision he made. The emotions that frost present is ambiguous and but we can concluded with the statement as it is assumed that Frost was purposely being ambiguous. This “I shall be telling this with a sigh” as we can take either side of the poet view, saying that he is satisfied or sad. Through this we can perceive that the path that are highlight that life choices and paths are ambiguous.

    The setting that the poet Robert Frost used in the poem is familiar to most responders, as he tells of the familiar setting in a wood where people have to make choices which way they walk. He links this simple choice to big choices that we would need to make in the future. This setting that Frost used reflects on a part of our life that we all will take one day and hopes we take the “road less trodden black”.

    Second Part
    BTW forgot to put in Rhyme and didn't go deep enough with imagery

  10. Frost, in his poem “The Road Not Taken” uses a continued metaphor to describe life decision as two paths, one worn from people taking it and one not travel and fresh. The poem describes how in day-to-day life we go the easy option, which Frost has used imagery to show it as the path that is worn and used. He tells us how once he has picked a path he is not allowed another chance at the other, which is like many life choices that are made. In the poem Frost shows how he reflects on his decision with a ‘sigh’ which could be from either a good choice that will lead to something good, or he has made the wrong decision and now needs to carry on down the wrong path.

    Robert Frost is a wonderful poet and has not let his game down in this poem with his literary techniques and imagery he has manage to convey the problem of life choices in his poem. He deals with the dilemmas of making choices that could be one way roads and possible the wrong road. However this poem is a perfect metaphor for day in day out decisions.

    1. Ben, This is too short, please elaborate on your points and include quotes AND techniques!

  11. Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” opens up with ‘two roads diverged in a yellow wood’ which makes us think of autumn due to the yellow wood. Frost successfully uses repetition at the start of a new line 3 times. This is showing that Frost’s characteristics pondering over his decisions. The word “I” is used a lot throughout the poem and indicates it is obviously written in first person making us as the readers to observe what was in the persona’s mind. The persona took the risk by taking the road that had not been used as often as the other. Although he knows that he may never be allowed the chance to travel the other path, he continues on into the unfamiliar of his future. Through this, Frost reminds us of the determination of making a choice that we will have to live with for the rest of our life. A technique that Frost has used all throughout his poem is an extended metaphor representing different roads we take as it leads to one path to another. Frost’s ability to change from the past tense to present tense from the decision he has to take to the decision he has made. The poem concludes in an almost remorseful tone as the persona looks back at his decision and states that taking the ‘one less travelled by’ had began a new life leading into such happiness. This poem shows that we must make each choice carefully as in Stanza 1 Frost states that the persona had stood for a long time meaning he had thought before he acted. But if we pick one decision we may never have the chance to experience the other decision but that is what life is about. The persona comes to a conclusion and takes the road less travelled by. I as an individual must remember that each decision we make, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time being, but it will affect my life.

  12. Robert Frost explores the concept of life choices and their effects by relating his poem to the seasons and two roads diverged. With referring to the seasons Robert uses seasonal imagery. The season that first pops into my heads is autumn because it reminds me of when the leaves fall off the trees getting ready for the change of seasons. “Two roads diverge into yellow woods”. The quote Frost uses symbolizes a time of change. Uncertain to choose what path to take, because he couldn’t see what was around the corner or what was underneath him with all the under growth. “And looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth”. This is nature imagery and as he can’t see past the bend, Frost is suggesting that he can’t see the ramifications of his choice past a certain point. In life a lot of the times people makes choices without thinking and don’t think of the consequence. As we can that poet is uneasy with which way to take because you can only see so far into the future he thinks about wisely. Another example how Robert Frost refers to life choice and their effects are the two roads you have to choose between. In life you have to choose the harder way sometime and it will go your way and sometimes it will be difficult but with perseverance you will be able to get through it. Frost shows us this by taking the road less traveled by. “I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.” Unable to travel both he has to choose one. Frost uses emotive language. One may lead him in total different direction or may lead him in the right direction and this is the risk Frost is willing to take. With choosing the road that was less travelled by turned out well for him making all the difference. This last line off the poem really changes the mood in my perspective. The emotion is expressed when Frost mentions that “ and that has made all the difference” it gives us an idea that he has achieved a sense of happiness about taking the more difficult option.

  13. Frost expresses how our every day choices have consequences and how they can affect future possible outcomes throughout his extended metaphorical poem, ‘The Road Not Taken.’ In the opening line Frost uses imagery in the phrase ‘two roads diverge in a yellow wood,’ yellow is an indication of autumn, peaceful falling leaves, which is not as extreme as winter and expresses a more soothing atmosphere. It is clear from the first passage that the poem is an extended metaphor for choices as his diverging roads symbolizes the many choices that we have to make in life. As the first verse progresses; the tension rises, as a decision must be made, a specific choice, which will undoubtedly have an unknown outcome – indicated in the fourth line ‘looked down one as far as I could.’

    Throughout the poem Frost describes the paths that are presented before him, one of which catches his attention as it is “grassy and wanted wear.” The use of the word ‘grassy’ expresses fresh, new life that may imply more challenges and this becomes more inviting towards Frost; which is a way of expressing to the reader that not all choices in life are easy and most of the hard choices we make are the most rewarding.

    In the final verse of the poem Frost shows his anxiety in that he may regret his decision in the future, through the use of the words “I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence.” In the end of poem Frost expresses his relief that as he “took the road less travelled by, that has made all the difference.” His satisfaction with his decision shows that even through determination and selecting roads the majority would not take he has come out successful, just as we would if we were to make the more difficult choices.

  14. How does frost explore the concept of life choices and there effect on us?

    In the poem by Robert Frost ”The Road Not Taken” explores the concept of life through the way he uses his words. Frost say “Two road diverged in a yellow wood.” This quote metaphorically represents choices in life and how when we have to make choices it takes us down a path, and diverges from where we have previously been. This says in life we have to make a chose because you can not take both road, you have to take risk to find your way in life. The road does not give future, it only lets you see as far as the eye can see, so you need to take a risk on life.

    Frost is talking about the wear on the paths and how he thinks he should take the one with less wear because it needs some. I think forest is saying you shouldn’t take the road that everyone takes because it may not lead you to where you want to go. It should be chose you make and as forest say “And that has made all the difference.”

    Forest says “I kept the first for another day Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back” this quote says when you make a chose you will find things your good at on the way and you wont think about turning back.

  15. The poem of “the road not taken” by Robert Frost has explored many aspect of life decision. Using the example of a man everyday journey. As we choose different path everyday and some of that path we are able to pick them instantly. However, some path that is more difficult and challenging. It is hard for some people to pick the right one, mainly because of “laziness”.

    As we may not know that the lazy path we choose will end up. As shown in the first paragraph of “To where it bent in the undergrowth”, Frost shows us that sometime we may not seen the future of which the path the lead to.

    People will also choose the path that is most populated, the most path that everyone takes and that is what people still do. As shown in the second paragraph, “And having perhaps the better claim. Because it was grassy and wanted wear”. Frost is showing us that he also had times when he had the same thought of picking the paths that many people take, the most popular one. This sentence also had a sense of bias as shown in “perhaps the better claim” in which this is actually the path to pick.

    Next, Frost probably had another thought of the new path he faced. Which he exclaims, “Oh, I kept the first for another day”. Presenting that the second decision of what he had is still bothering him. Therefore, he hasn’t erases that from his will. But however, also said “Yet knowing how way leads to way, I doubted if I should ever come back”. Presenting that he might regret not taken the other path, but this way also leads to another. Repetition is also uses to create a image of a new path in the audience mind.

    Lastly, Frost has made an unclear statement of “I shall be telling this story with a ‘sigh’”. The action of ‘sigh’ is symbolise and represent of despair and giving up. Might show that the new way leads to a bad decision. However, a ‘sigh’ can also be a symbol of relief and gladness that this statement is made unclear so that the audience could reflect to it. “And that had made all the different”

    In conclusion, the poem “the road not taken” by Robert Frost is trying to remind every people about the power of life decision. Some life decision can be easily determined. However, some decision could possibly affect you and people around you for the rest of their life.

  16. Robert Frost's poem 'The Road not Taken', is an extended metaphor for life choices "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood", symbolising two paths in life. Frost enjoys making analogies to life in a frequent number of his poems. He uses sentence structure that in many of his poems has a much deeper meaning then what you first saw. In 'The Road not Taken' for the majority of the poem, stanza one and two, the character is trying to decide, which road to take. "long I stood/ And looked down one as far as I could",the character pauses for a while, contemplating which path to take, and which one may have the better deal. Frost highlights the significance of the characters decision by using 'long I stood'. The poet then goes on to say that both paths 'had worn them really about the same … and both that morning equally lay' These two different lines are very similar and show how Frost links the two stanzas together. Frost uses dark imagery 'in leaves no step had trodden black' the word black symbolising death as he describes how worn the ground is that many people have walked on that road. The First stanza, presents the scene and the character decides that the choice will be a hard one, the second stanza is about Frost choosing one of the paths because he sees metaphorically that 'it was grassy and wanted wear', illustrating the lush grass, contrasting to the other path with 'leaves no step had trodden black'. The third stanza presents a scene where the character realises that both paths really are not noticeably very different and 'Yet knowing how way leads on to way' he doubted that he would ever come back. The poet realises that he cannot go back, even if his choice, or 'life choice', is to hard. And in the final stanza the poet expresses that he will be telling this story to someone, whence the decision is long gone. "I shall be telling this with a sigh/ Somewhere ages and ages hence", it is ironic that Frost is know telling us this story and that he puts that line in.

  17. “The Road Not Taken” displays many of the life choices humans face today and their effect on us through poetic techniques. The protagonist in his poem faces "two roads diverged in a yellow wood," portraying a character confronted by a challenging and important decision.
    In this extract, Frost portrays this decision through use of an extended metaphor, with the road representing a notion that all people can relate to. The universally applicable nature of the poem theme allows readers to relate to it.

    To further the idea of choice, Frost explores the concept of regret, as he was “sorry I could not travel both” roads. Emotive language is then used to describe his unease as a decision was approaching. He realizes that both paths hold equal opportunities “had worn them really about the same” which is a great example of a choice people face everyday in search for jobs, that will be bet than the other, but if “the road” is pursued you will have the same outcome as if you did this on the other road. A fresh start has been made “in leaves no step had trodden black” new life (people with second chances)
