Monday, February 11, 2013

Portfolio - Character Description

Year 9, 

Have a look at the images of your assessment task. See the old man with the hood? There is something about his face - his eyes, his lined cheeks, his beard, his bony fingers and his look of anger (or is it? Maybe it's calmness, contentedness, confusion, tiredness) that really says something to the viewer.

For our first exercise, your task is to find, on the Internet, a photo of an intriguing character that  you are able to describe in 200 words.

Remember - a descriptive piece of writing MUST include adjectives, emotive language, the five senses and imagery (along with other language techniques) to make your piece of writing stand out.

You do not want to simply achieve 12/20. Aim for 20/20.

By aiming for the moon, you will at least hit some stars...



  1. At any other time, he would have felt lazy, guilty almost, for his overwhelming inertness, lying there, gradually getting colder and colder as the biting wind continued unrelenting to nibble and lash at his skin. This was no time for shorts, neither for his old painting shirt, nor for his threadbare pale blue jumper. But somehow, as he had left his stilted beachfront home, it didn’t occur to him that the autumn coastal wind would claw at him with its familiar talons.

    There were no thoughts then, there were few thoughts now. The past seemed to engulf him, he recognised that, but he could do nothing to halt its battering. It was like a hurricane, vicious and vast, mercilessly tearing at his soul, his memory, his very breaths. There was no future and the present appeared almost to float on around him, like a strange, ethereal performance in which he played only a chorus part.

    The dune plants behind him were hissing serpents being teased by the ocean’s littoral breathing. Unerring waves, sapphire in colour and steadfast in purpose, lapped at the shore, over and over, over and over. The lighter sand caught in his untidy beard and stuck to his falling tears, slowly stopping them and forming salty lines on his cheekbone and jaw.

    He realised, at some point – he didn’t know quite when – that he was walking, stumbling almost, as if his legs were detached from his torso, fighting like hungry eels to remove themselves from his body. He had lost a shoe, it didn’t matter where, and the wetter sand began to creep upwards through the four gaps in his toes.

    Night was beginning to fall; the April sun seemed in much more of a hurry to slip over the horizon and escape this land and this time.

  2. As he stands tall on the top step of the podium, he has cheeky grin on his face. Standing tall, like any champion would, you can see his sense of achievement, he did what the others could not. As proud as he is you can still see fear in his eyes. Never knowing what anyone else will do and the consequences of what you and others do could potential leave someone critically injured or even dead. That statement is in the back of every drivers mind. Fear is a key element in motorsport, not having any fear can be good but not until the inevitable happens.

    As along as his cheeky grin and the fear in his eyes, his facial expression shows gratitude to everyone that has helped him to get where he is. His facial expression shows emotion because he is able to be known as one of the best drivers in the world. This man is an idol for many people because he is able to go through lows and keep his head high whereas many people cannot. He is also an idol to people because people dream to do what he does and as well as he does it.

  3. Image D Example

    As the fireworks exploded in the sultry Iran sky, I watched him. As the cordite and acrid smell of the gunpowder fizzled downwards to our noses, I watched him. The air seemed to change ever so slightly, it became cooler and somehow a little more peaceful. Still, I watched him. It was as if he was an anachronism, trapped in a time in which he did not belong. As jubilant youths paraded in front of him with unbridled joy on their faces and springs in their feet, he sat, hooded, contemplative. As the music seemed to emanate from countless cars and street stores, as the din of a jubilant city celebrated the ceasefire, as delight seemed to dance across the faces of everyone around him, the old man sat.

    I watched him.

    His head rested on his bony hands and his index finger stroked his greying beard, not so much as a deliberate action, more to accompany the wave of emotions that flooded his mind.

    He had lived through civil war after civil war. From the smallest tribal enmity to a full-scale war against the Imperial West, Hassan had seen it all. He had seen the life in the eyes of his beloved wife flicker, stall, then peter out. He had come home to find his apartment block decimated. Those dark brown eyes had never shed a tear. Never once.

    Yet today, as I watched, after the President signed his infamous deal, the memories of his family, his friends, his wishes, his hopes and his shattered dreams all seemed to gather behind his eye. Joining in elated and relieved unison, they formed two tears, one for each eye.

    As his head tilted to the left with his gaze set on the bright red and yellow of a Roman candle, those tears rolled, with the grace and ease of a ballet dancer, down his cheek and onto his chin before dropping into the dirt of the street between his feet.

  4. I stare into my dads eyes each and everyday and all I can see is anger and frustration from the war I grab his hand to try and show him love and affection although all I fell is a rough and cold hand. I look at his skin and it is crawling with fear. His beard grows more and more as the day goes on I ask him why he doesn’t cut it he says its to show respect, his dark eyes show fear that something like this could happen to us, the wrinkles on his head makes him look angry and frustrated I used to think that his big ears meant that he could hear things from a far although he stressed to us that he couldn’t. Days go on and so does his life I don’t know how long he could last again I ask him if we could escape from this life he gives me a look of uncertainty although he still tells me that we can, anything I ask his face reads that there would always be hope. I think every time that he goes up on the roof that he is trying to find a way out and he always looks determined to find a plan to provide a better life for us and when he went back down stairs and I found is journal and it read.

    I look off into the distance hoping to see a sign of life, everyone has gone into hiding, patrol officers scattering the streets looking for some one to torcher. I sit on this rooftop day after day searching for someone to at least talk to. Every since the civil war in Afghanistan it has become a different place, people wondering the streets looking for food. Hell I should be one of those people I only relies on my good friend Peter to supply me with my food. Each day when I look into the distance all I can see is burning buildings and an army helicopter pass by then and again, although today was different put of the ordinary a fighter jet slams into the side of my building…

  5. Gavin van den Berg11 February 2013 at 16:46

    Morgan Freeman:
    I am taking the photo of this famous movie star. I have such a building sensation of happiness when I saw him enter the room, first, the smell of his whole body it brings an aroma so strong that you are drawn to his presence. The way he presents himself is as ordinary as can be, not overly fashioned but dressed acquainted for a normal persons photo. In the photo he is very concentrated, he carefully places each place of his body in the correct place it should be. He knows what he wanted it to look like and he did it. He shows slight signs of emotion and a very mysterious look, even if it’s from the tiny freckles on his face to his eyes staring you down. After the photo he thanked everyone for their work and help even the people setting up the lights he was so grateful and so were we. This man is a truehearted person.

    He is kind and passionate.

    No one knows how he does it keeps straight faced well looking and presenting him in such a well-mannered way. People say he is almost a perfect man from the warmth he sets out to all people and the smiles he brings, he is like what every person would feel if they got something they wanted or liked. He brings the joy to you and keeps you happy.

    Apart from the movie star business he cares to his family helping like an ordinary man for his family would… but would you expect that from a man who has to shoot movies all over the world? Does he have time for that? This man makes time he is compassionate wanting to treat others as much as he can even with his busy scheduled days.

    What a great man to be created in this world.

  6. Lachlan Macdonald11 February 2013 at 16:46

    As a mum I accepted the responsibilities of having a child but no mother especially not me should bear witness to her only son slowly walk away from my embrace into the hands of death never to feel loved or wanted ever again.

    My son, my darling son Albert has a severe cancer, he is gone through months of Chemotherapy but the doctors say that the cancer is to strong now, its only a matter of time before my little precious baby boy leaves me for the gates of heaven. He is only 4 years old but he is handling his disease with much maturity and I am so glad he is as I am breaking down emotionally and physically every day, but I need to be their for him, I always have since he was born till the last minutes of his life I will be with him side by side.

    Albert is a happy and joyful child even though the cancer is eating him up from the inside like a vicious beast. He always has a smile on his face making me feel better that he is happy in his last months in this world. The doctors tell me to take him out of the hospital and let him experience the world before he departs it. So we are talking him to the beach, the first time he will ever smell the salt of the ocean or the silky, grainy gold sand in-between his toes. I just pray to god that he will survive the next day, one tiny footstep at a time.

    But I know Albert is going to leave me soon, even though I am a mess he keeps me smiling, he always has. But when his time is up I must accept it as hard as it might be. I will always love my son, my little prince Albert.

  7. On my way to work whilst I am walking down the busy streets of Sydney I smell something so terrible my nostrils start to burn. I stop in the middle of the side walk and look around to see where this smell is coming from but I see nothing. The smell is getting so bad my eyes are starting to water like I am cutting onions. All I can smell now is that of something I have never smelt before. I look down at my feet but there is nothing there. Then suddenly I hear a loud sound of something hitting tin and I look over to that spot and see an old homeless man lying down begging for money.

    I suddenly have a feeling of sorrow and appreciation of the life I have. This sudden urge takes over me and I move over to him and sit down. We start talking about his life and how he became homeless. He tells me that when he was 15 both his parents died from cancer and he has been on his own since then. I notice his face shriveling up and his dark brown eyes watering. I can now see every wrinkle in his sad old face.


  8. This is one of my favorite photos in the world. Although some people may think of this photo as animal cruelty, I don't it relaxes me and calms me down. It gives a sense of loneliness and just shows how big the sea is with all of its beautiful creatures. I love this photo because I have grown up diving with my father at a young age and being near or in the sea has always relaxed me and it just gives me time to relax. I love the close up of the fish and the far away ness of the diver it makes it looks more intriguing to the viewer and it has a large feel to it. I also love the plain back round its just the plain big blue sea it really gives us a feel of emptiness. The color of the fish also really brings out the brightness of the picture and gives it lots of contrast. this photo really says a lot and it really tells us that the sea and the animal that live there are really truly amazing and has many surprises throughout the seas around the world.

  9. I was walking on the streets by myself in Hong Kong. I went to the port, saw this old man. He’s a foreigner, seems very old. He’s looking at the Victoria Harbour, his eyes are very fragile and seems so desperate. He also looks like a person that is successful and retired, full of wisdom. He is wearing a large black cloak, his hair and his beard is silvery grey in colour, sticking out on his clothes. He has a large nose but a small mouth.

    I noticed his hands are shaking and tried to touch me. I walked up to him, he put his hands on my shoulder. I immediately felt the warmth and his roughness of his hands, his hands also felt so soft as well. His legs are trembling, I noticed he’s wearing a pair of long black trousers. He was walking on bear foot, the scars on his foot are appealed and there are also scars leading up inside his trousers. He scent is very nice, it’s like you are smelling a bunch of yellow daffodils, very fresh.

    He realized I am waiting for the next ferry, and said “Life is short, right?” His voice is so deep and strong. I was about to answer, but he immediately replied, as if this is a rhetorical question “I know it is, where back in the days, I was a professor in this Uni. Nowadays, I couldn’t afford……” This old man said it with sadness and with confident, his eyes are so red with a layer of tears. I understand what this old man who once had a amazing and great life. But at the end, standing along the harbour, looking at the reflection of the atmosphere from the ocean. Looking at the red-hot Sun moving to the horizon.

  10. I am standing here with my nikon camera taking pictures of my home. At about mid-day and I see a hot air balloon so I decided to take some pictures of it with the clouds and my house in the background, some turn out alright and some don’t. I accidently hit the button to make it take the picture. I just happened to take on at the perfect time by luck. This picture turns out to be stunning, so I wil describe It to you now.

    This picture of mine is one of the finfest pieces of photography I have seen. The amazing sun rays glisening through the clouds and making the clouds different shades of blue, it is also giving them an imposing silver lining. In the background is my small country cottage in an assemblage of trees. The cottage is small and from a distance seems to be a creamy white with a blue slate roof, I feel so lucky to own it and the never ending landscape filled with green and yellow wheat. there are clouds in the background that are yellow with a more dominant lining, they seem to give the picture a sort of cliff hanger effect because you just don’t know what they are or what they could turn out to be.
    The main focus of the picture is a hot air balloon floating effortlessly going where the wind takes it. The balloon is making a shadow on the green developing wheat. The balloon has a small basket made out of woven wicker, the actual balloon is a mixture of colours in a strange sort of pattern.
    This is the picture I took by chance, luck, fluke and It turned out to be one of the best pictures ever.

  11. His face is old and wrinkled, as you walk past him a dreaded scent immediately runs up your nostrils coming from his direction but he is doing the only thing he knows to survive BEG. His clothes are torn and covered with filth he has probably had them for quite some time. He sits on the corner not asking them but just sitting their not expecting just hoping that a kind soul would realize his pain and agony. All day he sits their he sees so many people walk by him starring at him, disgusted at what they see. He waits to dawn as the sun slowly descends.

    He stumbles a couple of 100 meters until he is under a bridge as he tries to sleep cars and trucks fill his ears with pitiful noise, but this is the best part of his life at the moment. He has no real home, family, friends or the slightest bit of money. He slowly walks to the nearby harbor and sits their for hours on end, until he relies that the sun is on it’s way up. He takes one last look at the harbor and falls.

  12. I was determine to do my duty no matter who or what stood in my way. I could feel the focus in my face, the cold sweat dripping onto my scrubbed and polished boots and my solid stance like i was a tank. I was equipped with deadly weapons and wasn’t afraid to use them. As i moved forward my hands shook, my legs felt weak. I heard the screams of people dying as I was behind cover, but every time I tried to come closer to help I had shivers down my spine. I kept thinking my fate would be no different to the suffering soldiers on the battlefield.

    No matter what my brain told me, my heart told me I should go out there and serve my country. The gripping pain I kept feeling, knowing If I don’t live, what would become of my family. My wife, my kids, what am I to do. Suddenly something in me snapped! I became raging with fury, and I jumped out and started shooting, spraying bullets as they were sprayed back at me. Every shot I took I heard the whizzing sound of each bullet flying past my ear. Suddenly I felt cold inside. I droped to my knees and looked down, I was hit. I was done for. As the blood leaked out rapidly I started becoming weaker and weaker until everything blacked out.

  13. "This is about a man in a prison cell"

    I start to think I’m a proud of who I am I a good or bad person, is this were I belong. My family my wife and three daughters. My life is gone my flashback starts.

    … I’m in a car driving two men by my side guns pointing to my waste I fill isolated like no one else outside this car knows what’s happening I start to think how can they do this so easily get away with it all, makes no sense to me that’s why I’m not a criminal. I’m crying inside but I’m going to stay strong and get through this I’m Neil Jackson. Ill come home to my daughters and tell them how amazing my day at the office was, there’s no reason they should know at there young age how terrifying and scary the world outside their single bedrooms with Barbie paintings really is.

    The car stops and they say, “here we are get out act natural or this will be the last car trip you ever have”.
    Right then I freeze, as I read this massive daunting sign above my head “Cambletown Bank”.
    We walk in I’m scared I look around for escape exits there are none in sight I’m scared they force me over the counter guns shooting scared citizens 0n the ground, scattered like a kid had poured his skittles all over the floor. I look further to the back of the bank and see a mountain of cash falling like rain.
    I hear a siren everyone suddenly running, dragging me along on my two feet by the neck. The next thing I know I’m caught face against hood of a police car hands tied up.

    …And that’s what brings me here a low life, beaten, miss understood I still cant believe no one has even started to believe the truth. What really happened. This is why to much for me to handle this isn’t who I am I’m more than this this isn’t were I’m supposed to be… I end on that thought…

    “Neil Jackson died on November the 19 of 2011 due to suicide hanging in prison cell”.

  14. Task 1- characters

    It was late Thursday night.
    I was on the train on my way back home after staying a an extra 4 hours at work, it was about 10 o’clock.

    The train was a lot quieter, there were about 3 people on my carriage.
    At five stops into the ride a tall gothic man walked onto the train and sat across from me.
    He was wearing a black leather jacket with skin leather pants that outlined every part of his leg. He had big black boots with a spike on the toe and a silver skull necklace. He smelled like alcohol mixed with women’s perfume.

    His face was paste white with to much makeup and black lipstick and bold eyes with eyeliner. He had a large chin, bold cheek bones and very distinct facial features. His left ear was covered in earrings and looked quite swollen and infected. He had long black hair with a purple strip that was spike all the way up.

    He was staring straight at me, I was terrified. The trip could not go quick enough.
    When I finally got to my station I got up a quick as I could and walked to the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stopped in fear, I didn’t know what was about to happen. The man then sais in a polite English accent, “you forgot your phone”. He gave a smile as he handed it to me, I was surprised. I said thanks and walked of the train.

  15. Task 1- characters

    It was late Thursday night.
    I was on the train on my way back home after staying a an extra 4 hours at work, it was about 10 o’clock.

    The train was a lot quieter, there were about 3 people on my carriage.
    At five stops into the ride a tall gothic man walked onto the train and sat across from me.
    He was wearing a black leather jacket with skin leather pants that outlined every part of his leg. He had big black boots with a spike on the toe and a silver skull necklace. He smelled like alcohol mixed with women’s perfume.

    His face was paste white with to much makeup and black lipstick and bold eyes with eyeliner. He had a large chin, bold cheek bones and very distinct facial features. His left ear was covered in earrings and looked quite swollen and infected. He had long black hair with a purple strip that was spike all the way up.

    He was staring straight at me, I was terrified. The trip could not go quick enough.
    When I finally got to my station I got up a quick as I could and walked to the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stopped in fear, I didn’t know what was about to happen. The man then sais in a polite English accent, “you forgot your phone”. He gave a smile as he handed it to me, I was surprised. I said thanks and walked of the train.

  16. She was of aboriginal origin. Her eyes were weary. The many years in the harsh Australian out back, the outback had drained the color out of her eyes but they were filled with compassion and love for her people and were she had come from. Her eyes understood the people she talked to. Through her eyes you could see what kind of person she was, it was as if you were staring into the memories of the ancestors that had been passed on through generations of people that now belonged to her. The wrinkles on her face told me of the struggles that she had been through in her life, she was no celebrity that had every thing handed to her, she was woman that had to fight for what she has now. Her face showed who she was and what she had done, it told me that she had lost many thing that she held dear to her. That she had been through times on misery and suffering to make her what she was today.

  17. There is something about this man… His face. Completely blank. I could not make out a single one of his thoughts. It didn’t help he was wearing glasses that only reflected myself. But he showed no sign of emotion. He had dark skin, like an African American. He was rather large standing at about 6’4 with a very solid build. He was clearly not overweight either, as his outfit was skin tight on him. The outfit He was wearing looked like something that a Jedi would wear. Grey robe, black boots and a tall collar.
    Combined with the room he took me into and himself there was a strong scent of Rosin like in an old house. He leaned over to shake my hand 10 minuets before when I first ran into him. His shake was firm, his skin was rugged and felt very warn, aged and stiff.


  18. It was a time that I was alone, my parents were out for dinner and I was to look after my baby brother for the night. I was fine with it, I was just going to Skype my friends for the night and just let the night go by. The baby had other plans though. It began to cry, it was crying out for me, I could almost tell what he wanted. It wasn’t a hard cry, it was a soft cry. I just handed him a bottle of milk and thought that would do the trick. But it didn’t, I was franticly thing of solutions that would make him stop. My mum didn’t tell me what to do if this started tos happen. I was trying to call my mum but she wasn’t answering my calls. That was when I began to worry. That was whim. I realized that my friend just had a baby brother and I decided to call him. He said to just keep him company. I did that and he stopped crying and he fell asleep. Later that evening my parents came home and I told them all about how I was able to put the baby back to sleep.

  19. His astronaut was getting ready to go into space and he looked like he was feeling very nervous. he could barely stand he was stumbling all over the place, he said to me "i wish I didn't sign up" but I'm in it now and I'm going.

    30 seconds to lift off, an he was strapped in and his face was looking so pale that he is going to be sick all my insides were going to come up. the countdown started 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1 "blast off" the rockets were so loud they were shaking the station down on earth.

    when he was up leaving our atmosphere he saw the sun and it was beautiful, like nothing ever seen before. It was so warm and calming. he was flying to the moon and the approximate time was 4 days and 11 hrs.

    5 days later

    i have landed, i repeat i have landed. mission control respond can you see the satellite from where you are? "Yes i can it is about 300 meters away". You better get going your oxygen only last for 45 minutes. "Okay i will head off now"

    I'm almost there I can practically touch. you better hurry you only have 20 minutes of oxygen.

    19 minutes later

    “You Have 1 minute left get back to the ship” He started running and he was almost there and but it the oxygen flow just stop and he collapse to the moons surface. He rolled over and looked at the sun and he says his last words were “I feel how warm the sun is its just beautiful”

    The end

  20. I gaze at the great moth priest; I had once known him as that master. Over time however we have became equals over time we have matured and widened our knowledge. It was a long time ago when he initiated my training. Had I have known the amount of focus and motivation that was required I may not have accepted. Nevertheless here I am kneeling in the Inner Sanctum of the Draector’s Temple receiving my place on the council of the Sage. I look into my former master’s eyes a soft brown, he looks over me and probably to the people of the hall his face is know deep set with creases in his brow and deep shadows lurking beneath his eyes, the rest of his face is a shaded brown due to the extension of his hood with it rimming his face portrait. His features appear worn out even the greyness of his beard has shrunk away into a dull, Nonchalant white the rest of his body is covered by a white folding shirt he has worn ever since my initiation. A brown hooded robe hiding away his body features coats this is warped in wrinkles around the hood and arms as though he has worn it for hundreds of years.

  21. LeBron James:
    All of this has gotten me thinking about what it is that makes watching LeBron James different from watching any other player. It's not just that he's better than everybody else. He's different and that statement isn't all compliments. This has been said many times before but LeBron is what other elite perimeter players seem to be chasing. Jordan perfected the art of the perimeter game. LeBron isn't chasing perfection. He's attempting to redefine the perception of what is possible.


  22. Today I got moved into my new cell with my new cellmate who does not speak a word of English, just like the last three I have been with. I was kind of hoping that this time they would situate me with someone who could speak English so I wouldn’t have to talk to myself for once.
    As I enter this new, but identical cell, I can smell that distinct smell of rotted metal together with the body Oder of the inmate who was sleeping on the top bunk already. Although this cell was exactly the same, its positioning gave it a window with quite a different view from my last one. Past the thick dark, greasy cell bars, there is green living grass. This first living objects I have seen in two years. Amazingly enough, a couple hundred meters away is a blooming tree full of leaves, rich in color. Finding something like that out here is like spotting an alien.
    I am really fascinated by this tree. Its not that I forgot what a tree looks like or anything, but it looks different in my eyes now then what I remember. Its like this tree represents what I miss from my old life, who I miss. It is as if I can see her standing so far away. I could just imagine her sitting on one of our homemade swings we made together.

  23. The reason I chose this picture is because it stands out from all the others. You can tell that he is religious because of hi head dress. But the look on his face almost shows that he is not enjoying it. The man is most likely to be very poor and dedicates most of his life to religion. By is facial expression it doesn’t really seem like his quality of life is all that high. In the background you can see that it is very cramped. his face is very sad and very depressed. He is also very skinny which could lead to the fact that he is malnourished and starving. The wrinkles on his face that he probably is quite old but a poor lifestyle and bad diet can make you look older than you are. By the man face and skin color he looks Indian. His sad droopy face really makes you feel sorry for him. His large nose his long eyebrows all add to his facial expression.

  24. I was strapped down in my chair ready to be launched into space with my colleague Buzz. I was petrified going into space, I had no bloody idea what was going to be there. I was just trying to get my head around being the one of the first Americans actually going to the moon. I could’ve even been the first person to set foot on the moon.

    I wasn’t convinced that the suit would withstand the pressure in outer space. I think Buzz more scared of the shuttle being faulty. After a minute or two we started to elevate. All was going smooth until I heard Buzz say he was feeling sick. I replied back “keep it in”. I was glad that Buzz was untroubled. After that situation, I was hoping that there would be no more inconveniences. At last, I could get out of my seat because we reached the end of the earth’s atmosphere and the view of all the stars was bewildering.

  25. Hi Sir, it's Charlie

  26. Dan C

    'Tis but thy name that is my enemy.
    Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
    What’s Montague?
    if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
    And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.
    3. Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
    What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
    Of that tongue’s uttering, yet I know the sound.
